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Thursday, March 09, 2006

eLearning 2.0 Defined with Resources

Like Web 2.0 & eLearning, eLearning 2.0 is not precisely defined and likely means different things to different people.

Key aspects of eLearning 2.0:

  • Extending the platform: e-Learning 2.0 is about using specialized software extensions developed by and for educators, as well as with rich, interactive digital resources.

  • Facilitate Social Networking: e-Learning 2.0 is about enabling a social experience that recognizes the course is but one social-organizational group in a broader education environment.

  • Enable Lifelong Learning: e-Learning 2.0 is about integrating the educational journey across a longer period of time through techniques such as "e-Portfolios"

  • Create Network Learning Environments: e-Learning 2.0 is about moving beyond the course towards a more holistic conception of a networked learning environment

Sources of definition on eLearning 2.0:

What is eLearning 2.0 - Good overview article with links to various of additional information.

Wikipedia eLearning 2.0 Definition - Brief description of eLearning 2.0

E-learning 2.0 - Stephen Downes' Article in eLearn Magazine

e-Learning 2.0, Whatever That Is - David Jennings' Commentary

Future VLE - The Visual Version - Great picture of a possible eLearning 2.0 scenario.

Categories of eLearning - Broad Categories of eLearning

Keywords: eLearning 2.0, Web 2.0

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