Thursday, December 17, 2009
Online Degrees Get No Respect
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Prepare to Feel Old
Workplace Learning Today pointed me to a post Ten Common Phrases That Could Soon Be History. I use similar kinds of examples in my presentations (and posts such as Work Skills Keeping Up?). I thought it might be fun for me to catalog some of the ones that I’ve used in my presentations and other places as well as have this ready for future presentations.
So here is a list of technologies that:
- Boomers – used
- Gen X – know what it is (probably)
- Millenial – never used / likely don’t know what it is
If you are a Boomer or an older Gen X, this list is sure to make you feel a bit old.
Pay Phones – Collect Calls
- Where’s the nearest pay phone?
- Call me collect?
Typewriter / Ribbon / Correcting Ribbon
"You need to mute your sound"
Records / Phonographs
- Sounds like a broken record
- Skipping
- Needle
Cassette Drive
Floppy Disk / Floppy Drive
- Dual floppy drive
- Word Star
- Word Perfect
Punch Card
Card Catalog
Microfiche Reader
Rabbit Ears
Overhead Projector
Inbox / Outbox
What we did before email …
“Pen Pals”
“Carbon Copy” or even “BCC”
What did I miss?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Twitter Captivate Integration
I mentioned in my post 2009 Predictions How Did I Do? that we are seeing more and more about Add-ins & Mashups as a means to build richer learning experiences. I particularly cited a DevLearn demo of twitter being embedded inside Captivate as the basis of a social learning experience.
They’ve posted on the Adobe Captivate blog - Collaborative learning using Captivate and Twitter. You can run a demo (18 mins) to see it in action. The basic idea is that students will be able to have a social learning experience utilizing twitter as a messaging systems within a Captivate course.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Learned about Learning in 2009
It’s always fun at the end of the year to go back and take a look at what you’ve been working on, what you’ve learned during the year. I’ve been doing this the past few years. And as part of this, I’ve been taking advantage of: 2009 Predictions How Did I Do?, 2009 Top Posts and Topics, Top 125 Workplace eLearning Posts of 2009 and just running through my blog posts for the year.
Knowledge Work Skills / Work Literacy
Having realized in 2007 that there's a very important Knowledge Worker Skill Gap, I felt the need in 2008 to find ways to help knowledge workers and organizations build skills like Leveraging Networks, Network Feedback, Finding Expertise, Using Social Media to Find Answers to Questions, Learning through Conversation and searching, scanning, etc. In June 2008, Work Literacy Launched.
2009 has continued that effort. I’m convinced that we are all struggling to have our Work Skills Keep Up. And many of my 2009 Top Posts and Topics are related to exactly this.
- Tool Set 2009
- LinkedIn Guide for Knowledge Workers
- Top-Down Strategy
- Better Memory
- Information Radar
- Processing Pages with Links
- Networks and Learning Communities
- Network Skills
- Twitter as Personal Work and Learning Tool
- Search
- Browser Short Cuts
- Work Literacy Workshop
- Collaboration Tools
- Remote Collaboration
Also, a lot of my presentations have been about exactly these things.
When I look at my particular skills, methods and tools for 2009 and compare them to 2008, I would say that it’s mostly a question of degree of use and certainly my use of Twitter has grown. See also: Twitter Conference Ideas and Twitter and Webinars. I will say that adopting TweetDeck on both my desktop and my iPhone has made it a much better tool for me.
Online Sessions / Conferences / Discussions => Now Visible Networking
I’ve seen during 2009 a real growth in the ability to spark up interesting discussions as online sessions. During the year, I’ve had fantastic conversations through LearnTrends around SharePoint, Examples and Tour of Different Kinds of eLearning, Social Learning, and the Business of Learning. Each of these allowed me to fast forward my learning and share knowledge effectively.
However, during 2009, I had a bit of an aha moment. It came during a presentation when I said:
It's a much better use of my time to use LinkedIn to spark a conversation than it is to go to networking events.
I realized that a lot of the networking that I had done in person in the past could move online and actually be a much more effective use of time. And a lot of that networking could be public. So, why not look to make this more explicit and effective?
I started calling this Visible Networking. This is still relatively new as a name, but it’s something that I’ve been doing for a few years now. Naming it allows me to better understand it and move it forward.
If you think about it, Twitter, Blog Comments, etc. are all forms of visible networking. Instead of networking in private, make it a visible conversation online so that everyone can benefit. And it can turn into great things like: Discussion Forums for Knowledge Sharing at Capital City Bank.
eLearning 2.0 Morphing Into Social Learning and Informal Learning
In the post, Hot Topics in eLearning for 2009, the top two hottest topics across all the eLearning Learning blogs were Twitter and various forms of social/informal learning, especially as it relates to the use of technology to support this. eLearning 2.0 was considered a hot term in 2007 and 2008, but not in 2009. For me, it was still one of my top terms, but I’ve found myself discussing things in other ways as well. I think as we’ve moved past the idea that this stuff has impact, we’ve begun to discuss it in a different way.
I don’t actually think using the terms “social learning” or “informal learning” is the right way to go about selling this stuff either.
Instead, during 2009, I’ve decided to always be a “Jack” … if you don’t know what that means or what it means about selling social learning then you should look at: Selling Learning Communities – Not Everyone Will or Wants a Group Hug.
It’s something I’ve said in a lot of presentations – you pick a specific, smart target and it’s a “no duh” decision. Now I have a better way to say it. Thanks Jack!
Using Topic Hubs to Speed My Learning
In 2008, I launched eLearning Learning. It basically takes what people in the world of eLearning are already doing and turns it into a resource that helps surface the best stuff. It was great to help me better keep track of what was going on in a world that I know pretty well.
In 2009, I realized that this same approach is even more valuable for areas where I want to learn more as I described in Learning, Extended Brain and Topic Hubs. So, I have been heavily leveraging the system and working with partners who are gurus in a space to fast forward my learning on diverse topics such as: Community and Networks, Mobile Learning, Nonprofit Marketing, Nonprofit Technology, HR Technology, B2B Marketing, and Professional Speaking.
There’s something really interesting going on here that I’ve not quite figured out. It’s very powerful stuff and an important extension to my PWLE.
I’m a little surprised that I didn’t get more response to Curator Editor Research Opportunities on eLearning Learning but it may be that other people learn in a very different way.
Slow Dramatic Shifts in the Business of Learning
I really think we are going through some pretty dramatic shifts as described in the Business of Learning and covered more in posts such as Update on Future of Business of Learning, New Learning Solutions, Marginalized, and Free.
There’s always going to be a need for certain kinds of training and traditional learning. But the economic realities and environment suggests a pretty dramatic shift going on here.
It’s going to cause us to think about models in very different ways such as how Intuit has Outsourced Training to Customers.
Learning Event? Work Event?
There was a really great case study by HP during one of the Learn Trends sessions that described how they took marketing professionals from across the organization, taught them some basics about Web 2.0 tools, and then helped them engage in conversation around what it means to HP. This was hosted by the learning organization, but it looked more like a research, innovation project than a learning event. The outcomes really weren’t known at the start. The goal was to actually define some meaningful results for the business.
Grow My Virtual Meeting, Collaboration Skills
I was reminded during 2009, that I need to be in a continuous learning mode around building my skills for effective virtual meetings, collaboration, presentations, etc. Several of my posts during the year were around this such as Learning from Others in the Room, Narrowing Gap between Face-to-Face and Online Presentations, Presentation Backchannel Multitasking, Twitter Conference Ideas.
Final Aha Moments
Need for more eLearning Portal Integration.
There’s bias around Profile Photos and an Email Address Bias.
Friday, December 11, 2009
eLearning Technology and LearnTrends Nominated
The EduBlog Awards are happening again this year. I’m happy to say there were several nominations for this blog and for LearnTrends. There are a lot of great nominees in all of the categories.
If you’ve found value from this blog and/or LearnTrends, please click on the links below and vote for them in their categories. It’s a nice way to support the sources you use.
eLearning Technology was nominated in two categories:
LearnTrends was nominated for:
I also appreciated that several people nominated eLearning Learning for various categories. It didn’t get put on the short list in any of the categories, but I do want to thank people who nominated it.
Ajaan Rob
Best educational use of a social networking service
Best group blog: eLearning Learning
Best group blog
eLearning Learning aggregates several different education blogs, and provides a way to navigate by blog or keyword. It also shows whats popular in the eLearning community at any given time. (Full disclosure: this blog is aggregated there)
Best resource sharing blog: eLearning Learning (another brainchild of Tony Karrer and just a wealth of information)
Best elearning blog- Elearning Learning has each of my favorite elearning blogs in one spot.
And if you are in the mood for lots of great blogs and blog posts:
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Open Source LMS
I had previously written about Low Cost LMS and Rapid Learning Management Systems, but I receive an inquiry from someone who had a very constrained budget and wanted to build an eLearning Portal.
Some details of what they want / need:
The portal we need to develop should be able to handle online registration, producing letters of offer, payment gateway, producing letters of acceptance, producing student cards, downloading syllabi, downloading study guides, processing purchasing orders that trigger the distribution of the textbooks by the Publishers’ office to students, communication between mentors and students, organizing forums, notice board, chat rooms, uploading e-Lectures, downloading topic questions, downloading assignments and coursework, posting answers to mentors, mentors grading the students’ work and posting marks, issuing tutorial time-table, posting final exam dates and posting exam results, transcript issuance and degree issuance and graduation.
Because of their very limited budget, I suggested they dive into more depth looking at open source LMS products. To help get that started, I looked at eLearning Learning and found some pretty good sources around LMS / Open Source and Learning Management System / Open Source.
- Open Source life, LMSs beyond Moodle- Learning Rocks, December 18, 2008
- The Right Way To Go About Open Source LMS- Upside Learning Blog, October 23, 2009
- The Corporate Moodle: A Tipping Point?- Learning Visions, June 26, 2009
- Concerning Open Source, LMSs and SCORM: Correcting Some Common Misconceptions- The E-Learning Curve, October 19, 2009
- To open source or not?- Learning Conversations, December 30, 2008
- Open Source LMS Comparison- The Learned Man, April 27, 2007
- Open Source vs Commercial LMS- Learning Next, April 18, 2007
- ZaidLearn: Any Free Hosted CMS or LMS? (Yes, Obama Says!)- ZaidLearn, May 16, 2009
- Sakai 3 Development Process- Experiencing eLearning, June 9, 2009
- How Big is Moodle?- MinuteBio, June 12, 2009
- Moodle!- The Learned Man, April 28, 2007
- Rapid Learning Management Systems- eLearning Technology, October 20, 2009
- A first look at Sakai 3- Clive on Learning, October 16, 2009
- Gartner: E-learning Market Pushing Toward Open Source, June 7, 2008
- Open source for learning costs less, January 12, 2009
- LMS Selection, July 24, 2009
- Blackboard vs. Moodle, May 7, 2009
- Assessing PLE/LMS systems | nmc, November 11, 2008
- Moving to Moodle: Reflections Two Years Later (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE CONNECT, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
2009 Predictions How Did I Do?
One of my most popular posts each year is my list of predictions. In fact, my 12 eLearning Predictions for 2009, was most popular post for 2009 (see 2009 Top Posts and Topics) and it came up pretty high in the recent Top 125 eLearning Posts of 2009.
I will definitely be coming out with my 2010 predictions. In fact, I’ll be doing a virtual presentation around it as well. Of course, the problem with predictions, especially written predictions, is that you can look back and see how you did at the end of the year. So this post is my chance to go back to the predictions I made at the start of 2009 and see how I did.
#1 - "Self-Directed Learning" Increases
Due to economic pressures, companies are going to reduce training budgets to a point where it doesn't make sense to create content on marginal topics. Instead, we will call this "self-directed learning" and will do our best to support the workforce to learn it on their own with minimal guidance and support.
The first half of the prediction – budgets being reduced was on the mark. But the reality was more than that as I explored in posts like Business of Learning and Models for Learning Questions. They point to an environment of:
- Decreased L&D budgets (see )
- Faster pace
- Increased workforce mobility
- Shorter job tenure
- Increased job fragmentation - fewer numbers in any one role
- Constant increase in complexity
- Greater concept work
- Need for faster proficiency
- Changing expectations for learning
which leads straight to the need to do more with less, respond more quickly, etc. So, it’s a far richer problem than indicated by my prediction.
The second half of the prediction “self directed learning” got less attention during the year than I anticipated, but it was there and certainly was a big part of the discussion around social and informal learning. The specific term had some recent great discussion by Jane Hart and Harold Jarche in the posts Social media and self-directed learning, Using social media for different types of learning that included the following diagram:

Grade: B
#2 - eLearning 2.0 Grows - But Creating "eLearning 2.0 Strategy" FailsOne of the better, cheap support mechanisms for self-directed learning are web 2.0 tools. As such, eLearning 2.0 will show continued growth. We will especially see a rapid growth in the use of wikis for content presentation. There will also be growth in discussions and social networks for collaborative learning.
At the same time, organizations who try to create big eLearning 2.0 Strategies will move much slower than organizations who adopt easy to use tools and make tactical use of these tools.
Corollary: if you have SharePoint installed, you will be using SharePoint a lot more this year.
As I discussed in my look at what I learned during 2009, I’ve found that the term eLearning 2.0 has fallen a bit out of favor and instead we are discussing these as social and informal learning. Certainly the Hottest Topics in eLearning for 2009 were social and informal learning. So, I think the first part about growth of wikis, discussions, social networks for collaborative learning is right on the mark.
As far as companies who focus on creating strategies around eLearning 2.0 moving slower – I think I’m right on the money around that. Yes, I have found myself involved in helping organizations look at their eLearning Strategy that includes a broad mix of solutions including eLearning 2.0. And I think defining this is needed and valuable. But if that’s the only thing you are doing and something that has to come before you begin to do tactical solutions, then I think it’s fair to say you are moving more slowly.
Unfortunately, I used the term “fails” which is not really the case. Companies are moving more slowly, but not really failing at it. So, on what otherwise would be an “A”, I’ve had to mark myself down.
My thinking has definitely evolved around this in 2009. Particularly, I’ve decided to always be a “Jack” … if you don’t know what that means or what it means about selling social learning then you should look at: Selling Learning Communities – Not Everyone Will or Wants a Group Hug.
Grade: B
#3 - Increase in Consumer/Education Social Learning Solutions will Increase Pressure for Social Learning Solutions in Corporate LearningSorry, I couldn't figure out a shorter way to say this. 2008 was an interesting year that saw a myriad of new start-ups offering content through interesting new avenues. Social learning solutions like social homework help provided by Cramster; CampusBug, Grockit, TutorVista, EduFire, English Cafe, and the list goes on and on.
What will happen to about 20% of the workplace learning professionals is that some VP/C level in your company will have their teenager or college age kid use one of these services and tell them about it. They will they proceed to wonder why you aren't doing something similar.
Certainly there’s tons of buzz around lots of consumer social learning solutions. Here are just a few of the many web 2.0 / social learning companies being discussed in 2009:
Consumer, K-12 and higher ed are all relatively hot investment spaces. Has this translated into corporate awareness and demand?
I’ve heard from a lot of learning professionals at all levels where the VP/C Level who are asking about and expecting solutions that have these kinds of aspects. But they also are expecting great content to be built – and the expectation is that it should be done fast, cheap and good. Part of this, that wasn’t well captured in my prediction, is that a lot of these solutions aim at providing Free content. This has a dramatic impact on the Business of Learning and perceptions around value and cost.
Overall, while there has been some awareness and demand, probably not to the level I anticipated.
Grade: C
#4 - Quick Wins & Toolkits
With the tough economy, everyone will be looking for quick wins. How can you improve performance quickly and at low cost? The answer for many organizations will be less training and more performance support in the form of toolkits. Teach me less about communication and give me more templates for important, tough communication points.
Off-the-shelf content companies will be moving to meet this need by emphasizing quick wins through resources.
The buzz is definitely increasing around this. During 2009 we saw things like Using Toolkits to Aggregate Learning Resources, where BJ Schone tells us:
I’ve recently seen a trend (ok, maybe it’s just new to me) where training departments create toolkits for employees in order to aggregate learning resources for a particular topic or project. Essentially, the toolkit is a web page containing a ton of great information, links, etc. This way you can send learners to a "one-stop-shop" to get the info they need.
And I just posted about recent growth of eLearning Templates.
Grade: A-
#5 - Virtual Classroom Tipping Point
Based on a few different conversations and experiences, I believe that we've reached a point where virtual classroom training is no longer seen as inherently inferior and a lower value. Some training will still be preferred face to face such as when team building or in-person soft skills are important, but 2009 will be the year when we realize that we should be justifying any in-person training. Price points for virtual classroom training will begin to be virtually the same as for the same in-person classes.
Corollary: transition to virtual means greater demand for help on effective virtual classroom training and for people who are good at creation effective remote experiences.
I believe this is very much proving itself out.
And on the corollary – I was reminded throughout the year (Learning from Others in the Room, Narrowing Gap between Face-to-Face and Online Presentations) that I need to put myself in a continuous learning mode to get better at virtual meetings, collaboration, presentations, etc. We even made the Big Question one month: New Presenter and Learner Skills and Methods.
Grade: A
#6 - Greater Domination by Leading Tool Vendors - Captivate, Articulate, Lectora, Camtasia
Captivate 4 is going to be a great tool. Articulate has a great tool set. Lectora is great at packaging. Camtasia is good at screencasting. It's going to be tough for me-too tools to push out these players in the corporate market. In some settings, free authoring tools may do better, but they probably won't get much traction in workplace training.
I’m looking for the numbers on this, but I believe it’s true based on anecdotal evidence. Does anyone know or have the numbers?
Grade: ???
#7 -Niche Tools Emerge and Get Traction in Niches
So the caveat to the above statement about the big players getting bigger is that I believe we will see more and more niche tools get traction. We've seen some traction by the game show type tools such as those by LearningWare. We may also see use of Flash Quiz Tools, polls, survey tools or something like Harbinger Knowledge's Team Pod. These things can create fun interactions that easily fit into a course built with one of the above tools. They also fit into a wiki page. It's also interesting to see effort's like Articulate's Community Interactions - which is essentially the ability to add specialized interactions including new types of interactions from the developer community.
While there are some definite challenges facing New Learning Solutions, I believe that we are seeing some real innovation. The LearnTrends Innovation Award Winners 2009 had several very interesting niche tools highlighted. And we are beginning (three years later) to hear more and more about Add-ins & Mashups to build richer experiences. At DevLearn, I saw a demo of twitter being embedded inside Captivate as the basis of a social learning experience.
Grade: B
#8 - More Wiki Pages - Same Authored Minutes - Less Classroom Minutes
I pretty much already said this, but I might as well mention it again. The above trends around eLearning 2.0, self-directed learning, quick wins and toolkits all suggest that more web pages - authored via wikis - will be the name of the game in 2009. The goal of lower cost will continue the transition from classroom to courseware which will keep the total number of authored minutes about the same, even with the move of content from courses to web pages.
Again, I searched for numbers that would tell me this, but I don’t have them. My sense is that it’s true, but I’ve seen some numbers that suggest that classes and courseware are going strong as well.
Grade: ????
#9 - Knowledge Worker Skills
Topic growing rapidly, problem getting recognized, more and more people offering workshops and solutions to address this
I realized in 2007 that there's a very important Knowledge Worker Skill Gap emerging. In 2008, I felt compelled to launch Work Literacy, and help help people and organizations upgrade skills like Leveraging Networks, Network Feedback, Finding Expertise, Using Social Media to Find Answers to Questions, Learning through Conversation and searching, scanning, etc.2009 is going to be a big year for this issue. The fact that this is one of the general sessions at ASTD TechKnowledge is interesting way to start 2009. We are now offering a Work Literacy Skills Workshop. This is going to get more and more attention this year. Especially as employers move more towards self-directed learning.
While I had a chance to be involved in lots of discussions, found many people similarly concerned about this issue, I must say that most workplace learning professionals and most organizations don’t really have this on their radar. I still feel like it’s a big issue. Information overload, distraction, need to work effectively in networks and parts of virtual teams, etc. are all coming up as important. But the recognition of the larger issue is still not there.
Grade: D
#10 - Mobile Learning Niche Growth
Last year I said mobile learning would be well below where people were expecting. While I still think this will be a relatively small percentage of activity, this year, I expect to be a year in which mobile becomes more common. I believe that we will see continued increase in the percentage of people walking around with mobile web access. This will offer increased interesting opportunities such as:
- Real-time Polls - We are just beginning to see tools like Poll Everywhere that allow mobile polling. That way an audience sitting at an in-person conference will have some of the capabilities that they do online. (Did I mention the move towards virtual classroom?)
- Job aids / quick reference - about 30% of you are going to be asked to make sure your content is viewable on an iPhone.
- Podcasts / Vidcasts targeting mobile professionals (ex. sales people)
- Sales challenge scoreboard - For some mobile professionals, specific types of content such as sales challenges will be delivered through mobile solutions.
At the same time, the wild enthusiasm for mobile learning that was present in 2007 and died down a bit in 2008, will remain somewhat subdued. And we won't see much adoption as the central vehicle for learning content delivery.
I feel pretty good reading this prediction. Certainly, we are seeing more smart use of mobile learning solutions. Some organizations are making big use of it. And we are seeing more content getting delivered on mobile devices. That said, for most workplace learning professionals, this is not a day-to-day issue.
Grade: A
#11 - Micro Virtual Conferences
The move towards acceptance of virtual classroom means that there will slowly begin to be acceptance of virtual conferences. Conferences this year will also do this because their other alternative is to be canceled from lack of people able to pay for travel. But because we are all going to be maxed out, expected to do 10% more work with 10% less people, we won't have time to go for several days. Instead, we will see the creation of things that are in between a full virtual conference and something that's a few sessions. These things will be more targeted and deeper. Many of them will be from ad hoc sources, such as George, Jay and myself.
Certainly there’s been a lot of this happening this year. LearnTrends had a bunch of these. And I’m finding myself getting involved in more and more virtual sessions, conferences, etc.
However, I’m not seeing as much of this being adopted by others. I believe that’s still a matter of time.
Grade: B
#12 - Data Driven
With the economic situation, there will be greater demand for results and thus more interest in data-driven performance solutions.
Certainly there’s greater demand for results. Not sure that’s translated into data-driven performance solutions.
Grade: F
Monday, December 07, 2009
eLearning Templates – 20 Resources
Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts come through eLearning Learning that provide eLearning templates or toolkits or other kinds of interesting resources. Here are 20 of them:
Of course the best place to find these and to continue to find them is through eLearning Learning and using the appropriate keywords such as: templates, toolkits, resources, tutorial, examples, guide, etc.
And the list would be even better with help - see Curator Editor Research Opportunities on eLearning Learning.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Learning Community, Peers and Outside Experts
While strife with technical challenges, Nancy White and John Smith’s presentation at LearnTrends 2009 (LearnTrends 2009 Recordings) provided some really interesting food for thought. In some ways this relates closely to the post on Selling Learning Communities.
By way of background, Nancy White and John Smith are gurus around all things Communities and Networks. I’ve worked with Nancy to create the Communities and Networks Connection which helps me continuously learn. And I keep a copy of their book Digital Habitats; Stewarding Technology for Communities next to my computer.
The central idea of the presentation was something that Nancy called triangulation. Now, I’m not 100% certain what Nancy meant by this, but I interpret the idea to organize learning community events where you bring together three groups:
- People inside the host / sponsoring organization who have a particular need
- Outside experts
- Outside peers
You (or an outside facilitator) facilitates a conversation around a particular need.
Let’s say the need is – Where and how should we apply social learning in our organization?
The facilitator would get the people inside the company to define the problem. Then would facilitate sharing with peers and with experts around the issue.
I’ve seen similar kinds of peer sharing at roundtable events. And it’s really powerful. Adding in the experts would make it even more powerful.
I could imagine where this could be an ongoing sharing dialog that would cross several organizations. For example, you could pull together L&D staff from 10 companies together into a community and then have people like myself and George Siemens who could help facilitate critical issues and conversations and draw in additional outside expertise as needed.
To me, that sounds like a really powerful model.
Great stuff Nancy and John.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
2009 Top Posts and Topics
It’s interesting at the end of the year to go back through blog posts to see what my Best of 2009 is. I’ll also do a post similar to my post last year 2008 2009 that will look at my 12 eLearning Predictions for 2009. But for now, let me just focus on my Best of 2009.
To create this list, I’m using eLearning Learning as described in Using Special Parameters to Create Year End Post for details on how I’ve come up with this list. I’m including posts from December 2008.
Top 20 eLearning Technology Posts for 2009
- 12 eLearning Predictions for 2009
- Top 100 eLearning Items
- LinkedIn Guide for Knowledge Workers
- Collaboration Tools
- Twitter as Personal Learning and Work Tool
- Top 99 Workplace eLearning Blogs
- Twitter Conference Ideas
- Using SharePoint
- How to Download YouTube Videos
- eLearning Conferences 2010
- Tool Set 2009
- LMS and Social Learning
- Business of Learning
- Web Conferencing Services
- eLearning Costs
- Twitter and Webinars
- Remote Collaboration
- Share Best Practices – Patterns
- 100 Conversation Topics
- Better Memory
Other Notable Posts
- Rapid Learning Management Systems
- eLearning Strategy
- How long does it take to select an LMS?
- Discussion Forums for Knowledge Sharing at Capital City Bank
- eLearning Portal Integration
- Data Driven
Notable Topics for 2009
Work Skills and Knowledge Work
- Work Skills Keeping Up?
- Twitter as Personal Learning and Work Tool
- Tool Set 2009
- Knowledge Work Types
- LinkedIn Guide for Knowledge Workers
- Using SharePoint
- SharePoint Examples
- SharePoint Fear and Loathing by Learning Professionals
- 12 eLearning Predictions for 2009
Long Tail
Side Note – Read Counts
I also looked at the top posts according to read counts. What I found is that read counts are actually dominated by mostly older posts. Here are the top 25 according to read counts:
The ones from the time frame shown above are already listed in the top list.
For some reason, December last year was a really good month for posts and page views.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Selling Learning Communities – Not Everyone Will or Wants a Group Hug
Jack Merklein from Xerox Global Services did a really great presentation at LearnTrends 2009 entitled - Common tools for Diverse Communities at Xerox Global Services. You can find the LearnTrends 2009 Recording including Jack’s presentation. A few follow-up thoughts.
Jack is responsible for the development, care and tools for learning communities and knowledge sharing initiatives. In practice this means a lot of different things and across many different learning communities. A few of the different communities he discussed:
- New Hire
- Sustainability
- CxO
While the title centered on tools for communities and knowledge sharing and he provided a list of tools …
Existing Tools:
- Outlook email distribution lists
- Live Meeting with Brain Shark
- DocuShare
- Calendars
- Wiki
- Instant messaging
- Links to training catalog
Emerging Tools:
- Podcasts
- YouTube
- LinkedIn (Intra-community)
- Training videos on YouTube
- A Second Life Island available
Most of the discussion didn’t focus on tools. Instead, it focused on Jack’s no nonsense ability to make communities an effect part of learning. And particularly, I got to spend time with Jack on how he sells learning communities in the organization.
Jack does an amazing job of finding out what people in the community really care about and need. For one community, they meet every two weeks and a lot of times the topic comes a week before and he pulls in subject matter experts to present. He ensures that the facilitation then focuses on the key issue that the people in the room cares about. I’ve seen exactly this kind of thing work really well before. But I’ve not seen it done as systematically as how Jack has designed it.
Jack was a quote machine during the session, here are some of the phrases he used:
- "Publication warden"
- "Billable always wins"
- “CoP Warden”
- “not everyone will or wants a group hug”
- "young and stupid"
- “Training is a resignation”
- "Capture it damn it - put on community site" (responsibility of all members of a community to make knowledge explicit)
- “Amenable to bribing everyone”
Part of the beauty of Jack and his style is that the language he uses is plain, business oriented. Everything sounds obvious when he says it. In a way, he didn’t feel like he was ever “selling learning communities”. That was my language. Instead, he asked people if they wanted help with a particular problem. If he could bring together experts and expertise and facilitate a conversation on X and then help capture that – is that something you’d want. Absolutely! In fact, we all want that all the time!
In a later session, we discussed the fact that one of the big barriers in many organizations is that they don’t “have a Jack.” Selling learning communities or social learning or anything other than formal learning / training is hard because we find ourselves using the language of learning or learning community.
As an example of needing a Jack, the question - How do you avoid the issue … “I’m too busy” … Jack’s answer is basically, if the value is high enough, you are focused on problems they are faced with right now, they will come. His example is a community that meets on Friday afternoons. Yikes. I’d never plan something then. But he gets amazing participation because the topics focus on hard hitting topics where people need help right now. Senior leaders participate because they see the value. And participation is rewarded through recognition … and sometimes bribed.
Now let’s all be a Jack!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Learning from Others in the Room
After LearnTrends 2009, I received a note from a person I know and highly respect that said, “I dropped in on several sessions over the last three days and wanted to thank you for your good facilitation skills …”
It’s great to get that positive feedback, but this was actually a bit of a surprise. I often felt during the conference that I was not doing a good job of taking advantage of the expertise that was often in the room.
This was amplified when George Siemens did a highly participatory session where he had the audience list out design considerations for several things like formal vs. informal, etc. Some tweets during the session:
- “opens the whiteboard up to let participants create the agenda…whoa! crazy fun! ” @chambo_online
- “Very intrigued to have 130 people writing on a whiteboard all at once at #learntrends … and amazingly, it didn’t suck” @cynan_sez
- “130+ people writing on same Elluminate whiteboard and GWave also being completed. Online learning has arrived” @GillianP
That session flew by and was a great use of the power in the room. A masterful job by George. Great stuff. And something that I believe he and I will be doing together in the future in some way.
Other than George’s session, most of the rest of the conference had active chat, but it was limited in many ways. The time we had for open discussion didn’t seem to achieve that much discussion. It rambled.
My gut tells me that if I had designed things in a particular way, we could have had some truly amazing sessions.
So, please help me so that in a month when I’m designing future online sessions, I can come back here and design something great.
What are some ways that I can facilitate meaningful learning from others in the room during online sessions?
Have you seen examples of something that was powerful?
What conversation would you have wanted to have or see?
Please comment or post with ideas. And if you don’t have an ideas, please just retweet to ask someone else for ideas? And maybe come back in a day and see if some of the ideas help spark other ideas for you.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
eLearning Conferences 2010
You can find other posts about eLearning Conferences in eLearning Conferences 2011, eLearning Conferences 2010, and eLearning Conferences 2009.
Clayton R Wright just sent me his incredible annual list of eLearning Conferences. Clayton publishes this as a Word document but does not publish it as a web page and so we’ve somewhat established a pattern of published in here. You can contact him at:
December 2009
- December 1-4, 2009 New Zealand Association for Research in Education, Distinction Hotel, Rotorua, New Zealand.
- December 2, 2009 Security and Defence Learning: International Forum on Technology Assisted Learning and Training for Defence, Security and Emergency Services, 5th, Hotel InterContinental Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- December 2-4, 2009 Online Educa Berlin International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training, 15th, Hotel InterContinental, Berlin, Germany.
- December 2-4, 2009 eAsia, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- December 3-4, 2009 International LAMS and Learning Design Conference, 4th, MacQuarie University, Sydney, Australia.
- December 3-4, 2009 Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, Rome, Italy.
- December 4-6, 2009, Social, Global and Green: The California League of Middle Schools/California League of High Schools Technology Conference, Town & Country Resort, San Diego, California, USA.
- December 5-9, 2009 National Staff Development Council, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- December 6-9, 2009 Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference (ASCILITE): Same Places, Different Spaces, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
- December 6-9, 2009 Big Ideas Fest, 1st inaugural conference focused on innovation in education, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Half Moon Bay, California, USA.
- December 7-9, 2009 International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK) Teaching and Learning: Excellence and Quality – Timeless Challenges in Education, Proto, Portugal.
- December 7-11, 2009 Computer Security Applications Conference, 25th, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- December 8-10, 2009 Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference, Newport, South Wales, United Kingdom.
- December 8-11, 2009 International Symposium Open, Distance and e-Learning (ISODEL): Education in Digital Era – Continuous Professional Development for ICT-Based Learning, hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
- December 9-11, 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Learning, 2nd, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- December 9-11, 2009 21st Century Schools, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- December 9-12, 2009 Blueprint for Excellence National Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- December 10-11, 2009 Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Streamlining Your e-Learning Development, eLearning Guild Online Forum.
- December 12-15, 2009 Technology Information Education Services (TIES) Educational Technology Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- December 13-16, 2009 Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF 2009): Current Trends, Future Perspectives, sponsored by the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration and organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and the Universiti Sains Malaysia , Penang, Malaysia. or
- December 14-16, 2009 International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (ICICT): Human Capital Development for Progress, 7th, in cooperation with IEEE, Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt.
- December 14-16, 2009 International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM2009), 7th, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- December 15-18, 2009 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS): Doing It, Research that Matters, 30th, Arizona, Phoenix, USA.
- December 16-18, 2009 International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, Bangkok, Thailand.
- December 16-19, 2009 Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH Asia, 2nd, Yokohama, Japan.
- December 17-18, 2009 International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society, 6th, Bangkok, Thailand.
- December 17-21, 2009 Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, 14th, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
- December 18, 2009 A Word in Your Ear 2009: A conference about the use of audio feedback in higher education. Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
- December 18-20, 2009 One Voice International Conference and Forum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
- December 21-23, 2009 International Conference on Innovation in Teaching and Management of Higher Education (ICITM 09), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
- December 21-23 2009 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 12th, Independent University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- December 23-25, 2009 International Conference on Technology and Education (ICTE 2009), 6th, Bangkok, Thailand.
- December 29-31, 2009 e-Activities (e-Learning, e-Communities, e-Commerce, e-Management, e-Marketing, e-Governance, Tele-Working), 8th, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) International Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TLHE) was held December 3-5, 2008 in Singapore, Singapore. A conference will not be held in 2009, but it is expected that there will be a conference in 2011.
January 2010
- January 3-4, 2010 New Presidents Program, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Marco Island, Florida, USA.
- January 3-6, 2010 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDC), Kolkata, India.
- January 3-6, 2010 One Voice Australia, Sydney, Australia, sponsored by the One Voice Institute of Elemental Ethics and Education.
- January 3-19, 2010 Islam and Middle Eastern Culture Seminar, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Amman, Jordan.
- January 4-6, 2010 International College Teaching and Learning Conference and Applied Business Research Conference sponsored by the Clute Institute for Academic Research, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- January 4-7, 2010 Presidents’ Institute sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Marco Island, Florida, USA.
- January 5-8, 2010 International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Conference (ICSEI 2010), 23rd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- January 6-8, 2010 International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM2010), 16th, Chongqing, China.
- January 7-10, 2010 Hawaii International Conference on Education, 8th annual, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- January 7-10, 2010 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- January 7-14, 2010 Learning Futures Festival Online: Positively Disruptive, hosted by the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, presented online.
- January 8, 2010 Higher Ed Tech Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- January 9-11, 2010 World Universities Forum, 3rd, Davos, Switzerland.
- January 12-13, 2010 Project Management Office Summit, sponsored by the American Strategic Management Institute, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
- January 12-14, 2010 Learning and Technology World Forum 2010, London, United Kingdom.
- January 12-15, 2010 Florida Educational Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- January 13-15, 2010 EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- January 13-16, 2010 National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA), Henderson, Nevada, USA.
- January 13-16, 2010 British Educational Technology Show, London, United Kingdom.
- January 13-16, 2010 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 8th annual, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- January 14-17, 2010 International Alliance for Learning (IAL2010) Conference: New Frontiers in Learning and Innovation, 35th, Houston, Texas, USA.
- January 15-17, 2010 Technology, Knowledge and Society, 6th international conference, Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- January 15-20, 2010 American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- January 17-20, 2010 Pacific Telecommunications Council: Embracing the Cloud – Enabling Connectivity and Innovation, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- January 17-21, 2010 Lotusphere, sponsored by IBM, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- January 18-19, 2010 iLearning Paris Forum 2010, 5th, Palais de Congrès, Paris, France.
- January 18-22, 2010 Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION 4), Trento, Italy.
- January 18-22, 2010 Australasian Computing Education (ACE) Conference, 12th, Brisbane, Australia.
- January 19-21, 2010 EDCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) 2010: Learning Environments for a Web 2.0 World, Austin, Texas, USA.
- January 19-22, 2010 International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 6th, Hualien, Taiwan.
- January 20, 2010 edSocialMedia Bootcamp, Windward School. Los Angeles, California, USA.
- January 20-22, 2010 Mobility, Individualisation, Socialisation, Connectivity (MISC), London, United Kingdom.
- January 20-22, 2010 Wisconsin State Education and Convention and Exhibit Show, 89th, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
- January 20-22, 2010 Performance Management Training Forum, sponsored by the American Strategic Management Institute, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
- January 20-23, 2010 Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting: The Wit, the Will…and the Wallet, 66th annual, Washington, D.C., USA.
- January 21, 2010 Prior Learning Assessment: Balancing Academic Quality and Enrollment Goals, online webcast.
- January 21-22, 2010 Designing the 21st Century Classroom, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- January 21-23, 2010 Technology for Innovation and Education in Developing Countries (TEDC 2010) Workshop, 6th, Maputo, Mozambique.
- January 22-24, 2010 Good Teaching Conference North, sponsored by the California Teachers’ Association, Burlingame, California, USA.
- January 22-24, 2010 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IC4E 2010), Sanya, China.
- January 22-24, 2010 International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), 2nd, Valencia, Spain.
- January 22-24, 2010 International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2010), 2nd, Sanya, China.
- January 23-29, 2010 International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 36th, Hotel Bedřichov, Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic.
- January 24-26, 2010 Case-Nais Independent Schools Conference, 40th annual, sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), New York, New York, USA.
- January 24-27, 2010 Association for Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) Winter Seminar, Sheraton New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- January 25-27, 2010 e-CASE: International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education, The Grand Lisboa, Macau, China.
- January 27-28, 2010 Learning Technologies 2009, Olympia 2, London, United Kingdom.
- January 27-28, 2010 Management World 2010, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore. or
- January 27-29, 2010 International Lifelong Learning in Europe Conference: Digital Technologies Supporting Lifelong Learning, 12th, Tuusula, Finland.
- January 27-29, 2010 American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) TechKnowledge, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. or
- January 28-29, 2010 Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Leadership Forum on Accessibility, 4th, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- January 28-29, 2010 Building Effective Interactivity into Your e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- January 28-30, 2010 Educators’ Symposium on Accelerating Learning in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- January 29-30, 2010 Educa: Inspiration and Ideas from the Education Sector’s Professional Event, Helsinki Fair Centre, Helsinki, Finland.
- January 29-31, 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2010), Cape Town, South Africa.
- January 31-February 3, 2010 National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
- January ?, 2010 Conference on e-Learning Applications: Explore, Share and Stimulate Research in e-Learning Applications, 6th, was held January 10-12, 2009 Cairo, Egypt.
- Technology, Reading and Learning Difficulties Conference, 26th, was held January 22-24, 2009 at the Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, California, USA. Due to the current economic uncertainty, the conference for 2010 has been postponed.
February 2010
- February 1, 2010 DIDACTA Trade Fair for Education and Training, Stuttgart, Germany.
- February 1, 2010 Thailand International Education Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand.
- February 1-3, 2010 Training 2010 Conference and Expo, sponsored by Training Magazine, San Diego, California, USA. or
- February 1-3, 2010 Annual Forum on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East: Bringing Global Quality to a Local Context, 3rd, Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- February 1-3, 2010 Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, Austin, Texas, USA.
- February 1-4, 2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, 18th, in cooperation with Eurographics, University of West Bohemia, Campus-Bory, Pilzen (near Prague), Czech Republic.
- February 2-4, 2010 LearnTec 2010 International Convention and Trade Fair for Educational and Information Technology, 18th, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- February 3-5, 2010 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Palm Springs, California, USA.
- February 3-5, 2010 International Conference on Work Integrated Learning, Hong Kong, China.
- February 4-6, 2010 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, 3rd, New York, New York, USA.
- February 4-7, 2010 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, hosted by University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
- February 4-8, 2010 World Conference on Educational Sciences, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- February 6-10, 2010 Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Savannah, Georgia, USA.
- February 7-10, 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Hong Kong, China.
- February 8-11, 2010 Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting, Sydney, Australia.
- February 8-12, 2010 Problem-Based Learning and Active Learning Methodologies (PBL 2010): Connecting People, Ideas and Communities, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
- February 8-12, 2010 Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) Convention and Exposition: Charting New Waters, 30th annual, Austin, Texas, USA.
- February 9-13, 2010 Macworld Conference and Expo, Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA.
- February 10-15, 2010 DigitalWorld, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
- February 10-15, 2010 International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, 3rd, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
- February 10-15, 2010 International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, 2nd, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
- February 10-15, 2010 International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society, 1st, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
- February 10-15, 2010 Mobile, Hybrid and On-line Learning (eL&mL 2010), 2nd international conference, sponsored by the International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
- February 11, 2010 Higher Education Leadership Summit: Leading the Agile University – Innovation, Creativity and Technology, London, United Kingdom.
- February 11-12, 2010 Converting and Repurposing Content for e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar,
- February 11-13, 2010 American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Conference on Education, 142nd, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- February 12-13, 2010 World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education, First bi-annual conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- February 12-13, 2010 Georgia Conference on College and University Teaching, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA.
- February 12-16, 2010 Conference on the First-Year Experience, 29th annual, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- February 13-14, Japan MoodeMoot, Future University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan.
- February 13-15, 2010 Design Principles and Practices, 4th international conference, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA.
- February 13-17, 2010 Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference, ACTION: An Inclusive Vision for Teacher Education, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- February 14-16, 2010 Instructional Technologies Strategies Conference (ITSC), Portland, Oregon, USA.
- February 14-16, 2010 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, (AACRAO) Transfer Conference, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- February 15-17, 2010 Artificial Intelligence and Applications International Conference, sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), 10th, Innsbruck, Austria.
- February 15-18, 2010 Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines, sponsored by the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, University of Malta, Gozo, Malta.
- February 15-18, 2010 International Workshop on Intelligent, Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS2010), Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow College, Krakow, Poland.
- February 15-19, 2010 EDUCAUSE Management Program, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
- February 16-18, 2010 Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
- February 16-18, 2010 Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Innsbruck, Austria.
- February 17-19, 2010 Computer Graphics and Imaging, 11th international conference of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Innsbruck, Austria.
- February 17-20, 2010 Learning Disabilities Association of America International Conference, 47th annual, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- February 18-20, 2010 General Education and Assessment: Maintaining Momentum, Achieving New Priorities, sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Seattle, Washington, USA.
- February 18-22, 2010 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, 176th, San Diego, California, USA.
- February 19-20, 2010 Digital Asia: Language, Technology and Community, 3rd, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan.
- February 19-20, 2010 Assessment for the Changing Learning Environment sponsored by the Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning, Sheraton Bloomington Hotel, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
- February 19-20, 2010 International Conference on E-resources in Higher Education: Issues, Challenges, Opportunities and Developments, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India.
- February 19-21, 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, Washington, D.C., USA. or
- February 19-21, 2010 Reaching At-Promise Students National Conference, 5th annual, (focuses on reaching at-risk youth), San Diego, California, USA.
- February 20-23, 2010 eLearning 2009, sponsored by the Instructional Technology Council (ITC), Portland, Oregon, USA.
- February 21-24, 2010 Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE & C), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.
- February 22-23, 2010 FITC Design and Technology Conference (focuses on Flash, graphic and digital design), Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- February 22-23, 2010. Multimedia Systems 2010 (replaces the Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference that was held for 16 years), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
- February 22-24, 2010 Tools of Change for Publishing Conference, sponsored by O’Reilly, New York, New York, USA.
- February 23-26, 2010 Illinois Computing Educators' (ICE) Technology Conference: A Learning Odyssey, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.
- February 23-26, 2010 International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL): Shaping the Information Paradigm, New Delhi, India.
- February 24-25, 2010 Management World Africa 2010, Johannesburg, South Africa. or
- February 24-26, 2010 National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Annual Conference, Moscone Convention Centre, San Francisco, California, USA.
- February 24-27, 2010 American Council on Education, Chairing the Academic Department, San Diego, California, USA.
- February 24-27, 2010 Ontario Library Association Super Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- February 25, 2010 The International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- February 26-27, 2010 High Performance Schools Symposium, sponsored by the Council of Educational Facility Planners (CEFPI), Austin, Texas, USA.
- February 26-28, 2010 International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP), Singapore.
- February 27-28, 2010 Future of Education and Technology Conference, hosted by Edu Research Group (EduRG), Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- February 28-March 2, 2010 Brainstorm 10.0 Information Technology Conference, 11th, sponsored by the Midwest Educational Technology Association, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, USA.
- Educational Technology Research Symposium will not be held in 2010. The, 3rd annual symposium was held February 2009 in Austin, Texas.
- Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO): Expanding Our Boundaries was held February 27-28, 2009 at the Courtyard by Mariott Downtown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The event may not be held in 2010.
March 2010
- March 1-3, 2010 International Conference on Educational Technology, biennial conference, Muscat, Oman. Sponsored by the Sultan Qaboos University, or contact: Dr Ali Sharaf Al Musawi,
- March 1-4, 2010 International Conference for Academic Disciplines, sponsored by the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, annual, Rosen College of the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- March 1-4, 2010 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecom Americas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- March 1-5, 2010 Comparative and International Education Society Conference: Reimaging Education, 54th annual, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- March 2-6, 2010 International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (ICTLT), Singapore.
- March 2-3, 2010 Management World Middle East 2010, Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
- March 3-5, 2010 Global Learning Summit: Harnessing the Power of Learning, 3rd annual, Singapore.
- March 3-5, 2010 Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA 2010), Liverpool, United Kingdom.
- March 3-5, 2010 New Learning Technologies Conference, sponsored by the Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT), Gaylord Palms Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- March 3-5, 2010 Arctic Institute on Innovations and Excellence in Teaching, hosted by the University of Alaska, Valdez, Alaska, USA.
- March 3-5, 2010 Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC), 9th annual, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- March 4-6, 2010 Computer Using Educators (CUE) Inc., annual conference, Palm Springs, California, USA.
- March 4-6, 2010 The Education Show, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- March 4-6, 2010 Information Fluency Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- March 5-6, 2010 Celebration of Teaching and Learning, New York, New York, USA.
- March 5-7, 2010 Education and Development Conference, 5th annual, Bangkok, Thailand.
- March 5-7, 2010 T3 – Teachers Teaching with Technology International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- March 6-8, 2010 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Annual Conference and Exhibit Show: Critical Transformations, 65th, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- March 6-9, 2010 American Council on Education Annual Meeting, 92nd, Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- March 6-10, 2010 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- March 7-13, 2010 BioSciencesWorld 2010, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Cancun, Mexico.
- March 7-13, 2010 International Conference on Advances in Biotechnologies (BIOTECHNO 2010), 2nd, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Cancun, Mexico.
- March 7-13, 2010 International Conference on Advances in Bioinformatics and Applications (BIOINFO 2010), 2nd, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Cancun, Mexico.
- March 7-13, 2010 International Conference on Computational and Systems Biology and Microbiology (BIOSYSCOM 2010),1st, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Cancun, Mexico.
- March 7-13, 2010 International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energies (BIOGREEN 2010), 1st, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Cancun, Mexico.
- March 7-13, 2010 International Conference on Environmental Change Awareness (BIOENVIRONMENT 2010), 1st, sponsored by the International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Cancun, Mexico.
- March 8-9, 2010 International Wireless Communications Expo (ICWE 2010) Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- March 8-10, 2010 BbWorld Transact 2010, Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- March 8-10, 2010 International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Conference, Valencia, Spain.
- March 8-11, 2010 International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT): Technology as the Foundation for Economic Growth, 19th, Cairo, Egypt.
- March 10-12, 2010 The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Commons, 3rd, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, USA.
- March 10-12, 2010 Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Conference: Collaborate, Communicate, Create, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
- March 10-12, 2010 IDEA10: Learning Futures – Technology Challenges, a series of events focusing on technology and education, sponsored by the Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT), Melbourne, Australia.
- March 10-13, 2010 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 41st, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. USA.
- March 11-12, 2010 ICTs and Development: An International Workshop for Theory, Practice, & Policy, hosted by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and sponsored by the International Development Research Centre of Canada, New Delhi, India.
- March 11-14, 2010 International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, 22nd, Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers, Chicago Illinois, USA.
- March 12-13, 2010, Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Pomona, California, USA.
- March 12-14, 2010 National Association of Secondary Principals (NASSP) Annual Convention and Exposition, 94th, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- March 12-21, 2010 South by Southwest (SXSW ’10), 23rd, Austin, Texas, USA.
- March 15-17, 2010 EDUCAUSE Midwest Regional Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- March 15-17, 2010 Web-based Education (WBE), 9th, sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
- March 15-17, 2010 Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (AfricaIMSA 2010) Africa Conference, sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
- March 15-18, 2010 The Chair Academy’s International Conference for Post-Secondary Leaders: Leading in the Time of Change, 19th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. or
- March 15-19, 2010 Association of Research Libraries Service Quality Evaluation Academy, Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- March 16-17, 2010 Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings (ALPS) Conference: Work-based Learning and Assessment for the Next Decade, Weetwood Hall, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
- March 16-18, 2010 National Facilities Management and Technology (NFMT), Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- March 17-20, 2010 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC): The Remix – Revisit, Rethink, Revise, Renew, 10th, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
- March 17-18, 2010 The e-Assessment Question 2010, 8th annual, America Square Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom.
- March 18-19, 2010 GUIDE Workshop 2010: New Challenges for E-learning in Cultural, Scientific and Socio-economic Development, Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”, Rome, Italy.
- March 18-20, 2010 International Technology Education Association (ITEA) Annual Conference: Green Technology – Solutions for 21st Century Citizens, 72nd, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
- March 18-20, 2010 Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Annual Meeting and Conference: Building a Stronger Community, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- March 18-20, 2010 International Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Porto, Portugal.
- March 18-21, 2010 National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) Conference Connecting Science Past to Science Future, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- March 18-21, 2010 International Conference on e-Society, sponsored by the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), Porto, Portugal.
- March 18-21, 2010 National Science Teachers’ Association: Connecting Science Past with Science Future, 58th, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- March 19-21, 2010 Mobile Learning 2010, sponsored by International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), Porto, Portugal.
- March 20-21, 2010 Spring Workshops on Critical Thinking, Berkeley, California, USA.
- March 20-24, 2010 Virtual Reality (VR 2010), Waltham, Massachusetts, USA.
- March 20-24, 2010 Wimba Connect 2010, Disney Yacht and Beach Club Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- March 20-24, 2010 National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) International Annual Conference: Research into Practice – Practice Informing Research, Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia, USA.
- March 21-24, 2010 Texas Distance Learning Association Conference: Distance Learning…Any Time, Any Space, 13th, Houston, Texas, USA.
- March 22-25, 2010 International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 4th, München, Germany.
- March 22-25, 2010 Middle East Education, Training, Equipment and Solutions (MEETES ’10) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- March 22-25, 2010 Applied Computing, 25th annual, sponsored by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Lausanne, Switzerland.
- March 22-25, 2010 VoiceCon: Use Communications to Transform Your Enterprise, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- March 22-26, 2010 eLearning Guild Annual Gathering, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- March 22-26, 2010 Applied Computing, 25th annual, sponsored by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Lausanne, Switzerland.
- March 22-27, 2010 International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, 25th annual, San Diego, California, USA.
- March 24-26, 2010 Forum on Education Abroad (FORUMEA) Conference: Vision and Value in Education Abroad, 6th annual, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
- March 24-26, 2010 Going Global 4 – The United Kingdom’s International Education Conference: World Potential – Making Education Meet the Challenge, sponsored by the British Council, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom.
- March 24-27, 2010 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- March 25-26, 2010 International Conference on Information Management (ICIME), Cape Town, South Africa.
- March 25-27, 2010 Faculty Roles in High-Impact Practices sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- March 26-28, 2010 National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs (NACCTEP): Connecting Communities, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- March 28-31, 2010 Innovations Conference, sponsored by the League for Innovation in the Community Colleges, 13th, Hilton Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- March 29-30, 2010 European Conference on Intellectual Capital, 2nd, Lisbon, Portugal,
- March 29-31, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Spring Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- March 29-31, 2010 International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing (ICMUPC 2010), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- March 29-April 2, 2010 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference, 21st, organized by SITE and the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), co-sponsored by the Education and Information Technology Digital Library (EdiTLib), Sheraton San Diego and Marina, San Diego, California, USA.
- March 29-April 2, 2010 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, Mannheim, Germany.
- March 30-31, 2010 International Arab Conference on e-Technology (IACe-T), Kuwait, Kuwait.
- March ?, 2010 Computer Assisted Learning (CAL’10), Manchester, United Kingdom.
- March ?, 2010 International Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications: Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.
Information for the 2010 versions of the two conferences listed below was not available.
- March 12-14, 2009 Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference (CUTC), 10th annual, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. or
- March 30-31, 2009 International Online Conference for Teaching and Learning, 7th annual, sponsored by the State of Illinois and Learning Times, online.
April 2010
- April 4-7, 2010 International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT2010), 17th sponsored by IEEE, Doha, Qatar.
- April 5-7, 2010 Society for College and University Planning (SCUP): Smart Planning in an Era of Uncertainty – New Tools and Strategies, Hyatt Regency La Jolla, San Diego, California, USA.
- April 6-7, 2010 International Conference on Higher Education and Quality Assurance, 2nd, hosted by Mazoon College, Muscat, Oman.
- April 6-9, 2010 Australian Council for Computers in Education Conference, biennial, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
- April 6-9, 2010 International Conference on Society and Information Technologies (UCSIT), Orlando, Florida, USA.
- April 6-9, 2010 International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI), Orlando, Florida, USA.
- April 7-8, 2010 Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
- April 7-9, 2010 International Nursing Conference on School Nursing: Diversity and Dynamic of Nursing Science and Art, hosted by Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Graceland Resort and Spa Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand. or
- April 7-10, 2010 University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) Conference: Leading Innovation in Higher Education, 95th annual, San Francisco, California, USA.
- April 7-10, 2010 International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), 2nd, Hotel Sidi Saler, Valencia, Spain.
- April 7-10, 2010, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 6th, (WEBIST2010), Valencia, Spain.
- April 7-11, 2010 Information Architecture Summit, 11th annual, sponsored by the Information Society for the Information Age, Hyatt Regency, Phoenix Arizonal, USA.
- April 8-9, 2010 Best Practices for Incorporating Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 into Your e-Learning Mix, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- April 8-9, 2010 Business and Education Conference, hosted by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), Washington, D.C., USA.
- April 9-13, 2010 Higher Learning Commission, 115th annual, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- April 10-13, 2010 National School Boards Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- April 10-15, 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- April 11-13, 2010 Distance Education and Training Council’s Conference, 84th annual, L’Auberge Del Mar, Del Mar, California, USA.
- April 11-13, 2010 TechEd 2010: Technology in Education for the Real World, 15th annual, sponsored by the Community College Foundation, Pasadena Convention Center, California, USA.
- April 11-16, 2010 International Conference on Networking (ICN 2010), 9th annual, sponsored by International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Menuires, The Three Valleys, French Alps, France.
- April 12-13, 2010 Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- April 12-14, 2010 International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 7th, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- April 12-14, 2010 Computers in Libraries 2010, 25th annual, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
- April 12-14, 2010 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2010), 2nd, Shenzhen, China.
- April 12-15, 2010 EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- April 12-15, 2010 MySQL Conference and Expo, Santa Clara, California, USA.
- April 12-16, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2010), 3rd, hosted by National Central University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- April 12-16, 2010 International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE2008), 6th, Taiwan. or
- April 12-16, 2010 EDU-INFOTECH 2010 (exhibition of software and information technologies in education), 9th, Moscow, Russia.
- April 13, 2010 Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), London, United Kingdom.
- April 14-16, 2010 European Next Web Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- or try
- April 14-18, 2010 National Art Education Association (NAEA) Annual Convention: Art, Education, and Social Justice, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- April 15-18, 2010 European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Annual Conference, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
- April 17-20, 2010 American Association of Community Colleges Convention (AACC) Annual Convention, 90th annual, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- April 17-22, 2010 International Performance Improvement Conference, San Francisco, California, USA.
- April 18-20, 2010 Sloan-C Workshop on Blended Learning and Higher Education: The Promise and Practice of Blended Learning, hosted by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- April 18-20, 2010 Technology and Innovation in Education (TIE) 2009, 24th annual, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.
- April 18-21, 2010 ACM Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) Management Symposium, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
- April 18-21, 2010 Association for Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA), 39th, JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort and Spa, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- April 18-21, 2010 National Association of Campus Card Users (NACCU), 17th annual, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- April 18-21, 2010, ACM Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGICCS 2009) Management Symposium, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
- April 19-23, 2010 International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, 21st, Sawgrass Golf Resort & Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, USA.
- April 20-22, 2010 Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference, 15th annual, to be held online.
- April 20-22, 2010 Edutech 2010: Education Technology and Services Show, Muscat, Oman.
- April 20-22, 2010 European Computing Conference, Bucharest (ECCC’10), Romania.
- April 20-23, 2010 Russian Education Forum 2010. Moscow, Russia.
- April 20-25, 2010 International Association of Facilitators (IAF) North American Conference: Collaboration in Action, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- April 21-22, 2010 Virtual School Society’s (VSS) Annual Spring Conference, Coast Plaza Hotel and Suites, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- April 21-23, 2010 European Next Web Conference. 5th, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- April 21-23, 2010 Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), Houston, Texas, USA.
- April 21-24, 2010 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Conference, 96th annual, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- April 23-24, 2010 Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges South Central Regional Conference, 21st, St. Edward’s University, Austin Texas. USA.
- April 23-24, 2010 StudyWorld 2010: International Fair for Higher and Continuing Education, Berlin, Germany,
- April 23-24, 2010 Open Source Singapore Pacific-Asia (OSSPAC) Conference and Expo, Singapore.
- April 25-28, 2010 New Zealand Association of Distance Education (DEANZ): Quality Connections – Boundless Possibilities Through Open, Flexible and Distance Learning Conference which is held every two years, Te Papa Tongarewa, National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand,
- April 26-28, 2010 Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries (EMTACL 10), Trondheim, Norway.
- April 26-28, 2010 Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2010), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- April 26-29, 2010 Scientific and Technical Information and Rural Development: Highlights of Innovative Practices, Montpellier, France.[tt_news]=1673&tx_ttnews[backPid]=100&cHash=bd398c538f
- April 26-30, 2010 International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2010), 19th annual, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
- April 28-29, 2010 Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- April 28-30, 2010 Off-Campus Library Services Conference, 14th annual, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
- April 28-30, 2010 European Conference on Digital Archiving (ECA 2010), 8th, Geneva, Switzerland.
- April 28-30, 2010 Annual Higher Education Summit, 8th, Hilton Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. or
- April 29-30, 2010 Practical and Effective Assessments in e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar,
- April 30-May 4, 2010 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting: Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Fast Forward Educational Media Showcase, sponsored by Langara College, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada will no longer be held following 15 successful years.
Information for the 2010 versions of the two conferences listed below was not available.
- April 15-17, 2009 CiTE, The Pearson eCollege Users Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- April 22-24, 2009 International Conference on Multimedia and ICT in Education, Lisbon, Portugal.
May 2010
- May 2-5, 2010 United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Conference, 4th annual, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- May 3-4, 2010 International Conference on Networked Learning, 7th, Aalborg, Denmark.
- May 3-6, 2010 Web 2.0 Expo, co-produced by O’Reilly Media and TechWeb, San Francisco, California, USA.
- May 3-6, 2010 Educational Technologies (EDUTE’10), 6th, sponsored by WSEAS/IASME Kantaoui, Sousse, Tunisia.
- May 4-7, 2010 Eurographics 2010, 31st annual, sponsored by the European Association for Computer Graphics, Norrköing, Sweden.
- May 4-7, 2010 FMX 2010 Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Interactive Media, 15th, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany.
- May 5-6, 2010 University of British Columbia Okanagan Learning Conference, 6th annual, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
- May 6-7, 2010 Manitoba Association for Distributed Learning and Training (MADLaT) Conference, Red River College, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- May 7-8, 2010 Designing the 21st Century Classroom, New York, New York, USA.
- May 9-15, 2010 WebTel, sponsored by the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Barcelona, Spain.
- May 9-15, 2010 International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2010), 5th, sponsored by the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Barcelona, Spain.
- May 9-15, 2010 International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP 2010), 5th, sponsored by the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Barcelona, Spain.
- May 9-15, 2010 Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, 6th annual, sponsored by the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Barcelona, Spain.
- May 10-14, 2010 Future e-Learning Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future, 3rd, Istanbul, Turkey.
- May 11-12, 2010 Streaming Media East, Hilton New York, NY, USA.
- May 11-13, 2010 Future-Net, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- May 12-14, 2010 European Association for Distance Learning (EADL), 25th, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- May 13-14, 2010 The London Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), 8th International Conference: Disciplines, Pedagogies and Cultures for SoTL, London, United Kingdom.
- May 13-14, 2010 Incorporating Social Media and Collaboration into Your e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- May 13-14, 2010 Riding the Wave of Change: National Education and Technology Conference, sponsored by the Evergreen School Division, Gimli, Manitoba, Canada.
- May 16-18, 2010 American Telemedicine Association (ATA) International Meeting and Trade Show, 15th, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- May 16-19, 2010 Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) Conference: Heritage Matters – Inspiring Tomorrow, 3rd, annual. Note that CNIE was formed by the joining of the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE) and the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (AMTEC). The conference will take place at the Delta Saint John Hotel in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
- May 16-19, 2010 American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, USA. or
- May 17-18, 2010 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Academy, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA.
- May 17-20, 2010 Canadian Association of Research Libraries Annual General Meeting, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- May 17-20, 2010 Learning Impact 2010 and The Summit on Global Learning: Industry Challenges, sponsored by IMS Global Learning Consortium, Long Beach, California, USA.
- May 17-20, 2010 Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010: Global Conference on Learning and Technology, Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang, Malaysia.
- May 17-21, 2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 5th, Angers, France.
- May 18-20, 2010 Management World 2010, Nice, France. or
- May 18-20, 2010 Information Technology in Education Conference (ITEC2010): Defence, Training, Simulation, Education, London, United Kingdom.
- May 19-21, 2010 International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 4th, Nice, France.
- May 19-21, 2010 European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) Conference: Making Quality Work! New Developments in Distance Education, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- May 21-23, 2010 The Teaching Professor Conference, 7th, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- May 23-26, 2010 International Conference of MIT Learning International Networks Consortium, 5th, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
- May 23-26, 2010 International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2010), 4th, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA.
- May 25-27, 2010 World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2010): Challenges of Change. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- May 25-28, 2010 Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.
- May 25-28, 2010 International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) International Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- May 26-28, 2010 e-Learning Africa: International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, 5th, Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia.
- May 26-28, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Spring Congress, Tokyo, Japan.
- May 27-29, 2010 European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) Conference, 39th, Rovaniemi, Finland.
- May 28-30, 2010 Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- May 28-31, 2010 Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- May 30-June 2, 2010 e-Health 2010: From Investment to Impact, Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
- May 30-June 4, 2010 NAFSA 2010: Association of International Educators’ Annual Conference and Expo: The Changing Landscape of Global Higher Education, USA.
- May 31 to June 2, 2010 Graphics Interface 2010, 36th, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. or
- May 31-June 2, 2010 Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2010), 23rd annual, Saint-Malo, France.
- May ?, 2010. Conference on Teaching and Learning: Diversity and Student Success, 3rd annual, was held May 12-13, 2009 at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The fourth should be held at Oakland University, Oakland, Michigan, USA. 2010 date has not been established.
- May ?, 2010 Opportunities and New Directions: A Research Conference on Teaching and Learning University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Contact or view
- May ? 2010 EdTech 2009 sponsored by the Irish Learning Technology Association, 11th annual, will be held at Athlone Institute of Technology, Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland, 2010 date has not been established.
- May ? 2010 Leading Learning Conference, 5th annual, was held May 3-4, 2009 and hosted by the Toronto Catholic District School Board, the Trillium-Lakelands District School Board, the Peel District School Board, the York Regional School Board, and York University, Hockley Valley Resort, Orangeville near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This conference may not be held in 2010.
Information for the 2010 versions of the seven conferences listed below was not available.
- May 1-2, 2009 Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, 14th annual, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
- May 2, 2009 Investigating Our Practice, 12th annual, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- May 4-5, 2009 EduMedia (Education and Media) Educational Innovation and Web Technologies Conference: eCreativity and eInnovation, 5th, Salzburg, Austria.
- May 7-9, 2009 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- May 13-15, 2009 ANGEL User Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- May 21-22, 2009 Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- May 27-28, 2009 International Conference on Languages, Penang, Malaysia.
June 2010
- June 1-4, 2010 Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) Conference: Creative Continuing Education – Imaginative and Diverse Worlds, 57th annual, hosted by the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- June 1-4, 2010 International Conference on Supercomputing, 24th, Tsukuba, Japan.
- June 2, 2010 Centre for Learning and Teaching Research (CLTR) Learning and Teaching Research Conference: Systematic Enhancement of Learning and Teaching – Innovation, Research and Development, 9th, Ormskirk Campus of Edge Hill University, Lancashire, United Kingdom.
- June 2-4, 2010 EDUCAUSE Southeast Regional Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- June 2-5, 2010 Canadian Library Association Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- June 2-5, 2010 National Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) Institute: Creativity, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
- June 3, 2010 SOLSTICE 2010: Innovation, Research and Development – Technology Enhanced Learning and the Student Experience, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, United Kingdom.
- June 3-4, 2010 Security in Futures – Security in Change, 12th International Conference of Finland Futures Research Centre and Finland Futures Academy, Turku, Finland. or
- June 3-5, 2010, Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, hosted by International Teaching Learning Cooperative, Washington, D.C., USA.
- June 6-8, 2010 Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) Conference: Power the Future, hosted by Niagara College, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
- June 6-9, 2010 Distance Learning Administration, Jekyll Island Club Hotel, Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA.
- June 6-9, 2010 International Society for Professional Innovation Management: The Dynamics of Innovation, Bilbao, Spain.
- June 6-9, 2010 Learning College Summit, sponsored by the League for Innovation in the Community College, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- June 7-9, 2010 EduComm 2010, The Mirage, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- June 7-9, 2010 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): IT to Empower, 18th, Pretoria, South Africa. or
- June 7-10, 2010 European College Teaching and Learning Conference, sponsored by the Clute Institute for Academic Research, Dublin, Ireland, USA.
- June 7-10, 2010 International Conference on the First-Year Experience, 23rd, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- June 7-11, 2010 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
- June 8-11, 2010 Computer Graphics International (CGI 2010), Singapore.
- June 8-12, 2010 Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Conference, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
- June 8-12, 2010 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2010), 12th annual, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
- June 9-10, 2010 LearnX Asia Pacific 2010: eLearning and Training Solutions International Conference and Expo, Sydney, Australia.
- June 9-11, 2010 International Conference on Learning and Teaching, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore.
- June 9-11, 2010 International Conference on e-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2010), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
- June 9-11, 2010 Games and Learning and Society Conference, 6th, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
- June 9-11, 2010 Teaching with Technology Idea Exchange 2010, 6th annual, location to be determined, USA.
- June 9-12, 2010 New Media Consortium (NMC) Summer Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.
- June 9-12, 2010 European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Annual Conference: Media Inspirations for Learning – Where Is the Impact Coming From?. Valencia, Spain.
- June 9-12, 2010 International Conference on Comparative Education and Teacher Training, 8th, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
- June 10-11, 2010 The Rapid Development Tools Intensive, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- June 13-16, 2010 Special Libraries Association (SLA), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- June 13-16, 2010 Canadian Higher Education and Information Technology (CANHEIT 2010), 8th annual, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
- June 13-16, 2010 Hypertext 2010: ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- June 13-19, 2010 NexComm 2010, Athens, Greece.
- June 13-19, 2010 International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT 2010), 5th, Athens, Greece.
- June 14-17, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 11th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- June 14-18, 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS): Bridges to Learning, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- June 15-17, 2010 Sakai Conference, 11th annual, Hyatt Regency Tech Center, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- June 15-18, 2010 International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, biennial conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, USA.
- June 16-17, 2010 Blended Learning Conference 2010, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom.
- June 16-18, 2010 eLearning DevCon 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- June 16-18, 2010 ELPUB, Electronic Publishing – Publishing in the Networked World – Transforming the Nature of Communications, Helsinki, Finland.
- June 16-19, 2010 International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD), 13th, organized by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDTD), Austin, Texas. USA.
- June 17-18, 2010 American Council on Education, Chairing the Academic Department, Washington, D.C., USA.
- June 17-18, 2010 European Conference on e-Government, 10th, Limerick, Ireland.
- June 17-24, 2010 InSITE 2010, the Informing Science + Information Technology Education Joint Conference, hosted by the University of Bari and the University of Cassino, Italy.
- June 20-22, 2010 Global Information Technology Management Association 2010, 11th annual, Washington, D.C..
- June 20-24, 2010 The Evolving World of e-Science: Impact and Implications for Science and Technology Libraries, 31st annual, Purdue University, sponsored by the International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- June 20-24, 2010 User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP), Hawaii, USA.
- June 21-23, 2010 Afrigraph: International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa, 7th, Franschoek, South Africa.
- June 21-23, 2010 Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf, sponsored by the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology, The Nippon Foundation of Japan and PEN-International, Rochester, New York, USA.
- June 21-24, 2010 International Association of Technological University Libraries (IATUL) Conference: Evolving World of e-Science, 31st annual, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
- June 21-24, 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2010), 27th, Haifa, Israel.
- June 21-25, 2010 Digital Libraries 2010: 10 Years Past, 10 Years Forward, A 2020 Vision, hosted by the University of Queensland, Holiday Inn, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia.
- June 21-25, 2010 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 30th, Genova, Italy.
- June 22-24, 2010 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Summer Conference: Differentiated Instruction, Understanding by Design, What Works in Schools, and Curriculum Mapping, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- June 22-24, 2010 International Conference on Education Technology and Computer, 2nd, Shanghai, China.
- June 23-25, 2010 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 8th, Grenoble, France,
- June 23-25, 2010 Canadian E-Learning Conference, hosted by the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- June 23-26, 2010 International Conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE): Creative Teaching and Learning – Exploring, Shaping, Knowing, sponsored by Ryerson University and the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- June 23-26, 2010 Faculty Learning Community Developers’ and Facilitators’ Summer Institute, 11th annual, sponsored by the International Alliance of Teacher Scholars, Kellog West Ranch at California Polytechnic State University, Pomona, California, USA.
- June 24-25, 2010 The Asynchronous Learning Tools Intensive, eLearning Guild Online Seminar:
- June 24-25, 2010 European Conference on Research Methods (ECRM), 9th, Madrid, Spain.
- June 24-26, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Summer Congress, Paris, France.
- June 24-29, 2010 American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C., USA.
- July 26-28, 2010 eduWeb Conference, 5th annual, Doubletree Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- June 26-30, 2010 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITICSE 2010), 15th annual, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey.
- June 27-29, 2010 Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), 23rd annual, Haifa, Israel.
- June 27-30, 2010 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2010), 31st annual, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- June 27-30, 2010 International Telecommunications Society Asian Symposium, 18th biennial conference, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society), London, United Kingdom.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Educational Technology (ICET 2009), 7th, Paris, France.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on e-Education and e-Learning, 8th, Paris, France.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service (ICCBS 2010), Paris, France.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Education and Information Technologies (ICEIT 2010), Paris, France.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Economy, (ICITKE), Paris, France.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Technology and Education (ICTE 2010), Paris, France.
- June 28-30, 2010 International Consortium for Educational Development, Barcelona, Spain.
- June 28-30, 2010 Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Ankara, Turkey.
- June 28-July 2, 2010, EDUCAUSE Learning Technology Leadership Program, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- June 28-July 2, 2010 ED-MEDIA 2010: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- June 28-July 2, 2010 Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Symposium, 6th, Caen, France.
- June 29-July 2, 2010 International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2010), 8th, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- June 29-July 2, 2010 International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 8th, University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
- June 29-July 2, 2010 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS): Learning in the Disciplines, 9th, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- June 30-July 2, 2010 Mobilware2010: International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems and Applications, 3rd, Chicago, USA.
- June 30-July 2, 2010 International Conference on Teaching and Learning: Inspired Solutions, Empowering Learning – Using Technology to Collaborate, Adapt and Improve Adult Learning. Singapore.
- June ? 2010 International Lifelong Learning Conference was held June 16-19, 2008 at Rydges Capricorn Resort, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia. As the conference is held every second year, the 2010 date has not been established as yet.
- Distance Education Technology Symposium sponsored by the Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University was not held in 2009 and may not be held in 2010. Contact
Information for the 2010 versions of the ten conferences listed below was not available.
- June 1-3 2009 Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Designing New Learning Contexts for a Globalising World, 3rd, National Institute of Education, Singapore
- June 3-5, 2009 International Conference on Interactive Design and Children, 8th, Milano, Como, Italy.
- June 5-7, 2009 Japan Association for Language Teaching Computer Assisted Language Learning (JALTCALL 2009): Expanding Learner Potential – It’s Your Call!, Hongo Campus, Toyo Gakuen University, Japan.
- June 8-10, 2009 Communicating Change: Weaving the Web into the Future, 7th annual, Arts and Humanities Graduate School, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, the United Kingdom.
- June 10-12, 2009 International Problem-based Learning Symposium: What Are We Learning about Learning?, 2nd, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore
- June 13-19, 2009 InfoComm09: Information Communications Marketplace, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- June 16-17, 2009 Innovations in e-Information: the UKeIG 2009 State of the Art Conference, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- June 17-19, 2009 Sloan-C International Symposium on Emerging Technology Applications for Online Learning and Moodle Moot 2009, Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
- June 23-25, 2009 m-Libraries Conference, 2nd, hosted by the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May be held again in 2010 or 2011.
- June 28-July 3, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Cancun Mexico.
July 2010
- July 1-2, 2010 E-Learning Baltics (eLBa), Rostock, Germany.
- July 1-2, 2010 International Computer Science and Technology Conference, San Diego, California, USA.
- July 1-3, 2010 International Conference on Improving University Teaching, 35th, Washington, D.C., USA.
- July 5-7, 2010 ePortfolio 2010, London, United Kingdom.
- July 5-8, 2010 International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, 10th, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
- July 5-9, 2010 Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Conference, Generating Innovative Solutions to Recurring Problems in the Global Business Environment, 12th, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
- July 5-10, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), Miami, Florida, USA.
- July 6-9, 2010 International Conference on Learning, 17th, Hong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.
- July 6-9, 2010 International Conference on Open Repositories, 5th, Madrid, Spain.
- July 6-9, 2010 Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference, Melbourne, Australia. or
- July 7-9, 2010 International Professional Communication Conference, sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Professional Communication Society, University of Twente, the Netherlands.
- July 7-10, 2010 Digital Humanities 2010, King’s College, London, United Kingdom.
- July 8-10, 2010 International Conference on ICTs in Education, Corfu, Greece.
- July 8-10, 2010 International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), Corfu, Greece.
- July 8-11, 2010 International Conference on Psychology Education (ICOPE), Sydney, Australia.
- July 9-11, 2010 International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs: Assistive Technologies and Information and Communication Technologies, University of Linz, Vienna, Austria.
- July 9-11, 2010 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 3rd IEEE conference, Chengdu, China.
- July 9-11, 2010 International Conference on the Application of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009), 3rd, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- July 9-11, 2010 Wikimania 2010, 6th annual, Gdansk, Poland.
- July 10-13, 2010 American Association of Law Libraries (AALL): Mapping Our Future, 103rd annual, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- July 10-14, 2010 Society for College and University Planning (SCUP): Integrated Leadership for a New Reality, 45th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- July 11-15, 2010 American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- July 12-13, 2010 International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL), 5th, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
- July 12-14, 2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference: From Groundwork to Action, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
- July 12-15, 2010 WORLDCOMP’10: International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (The 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- July 12-16, 2010 EDUCAUSE Institute Leadership Program, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
- July 12-16, 2010 Building Learning Communities, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- July 12-17, 2010 Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Conference: Person, Disability, Diversity, Humanity, Denver, Colorado, USA.
- July 12-17, 2010 International Education and Resource Network (iEARN), 17th annual conference and Youth Summit, 14th, Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
- July 14-16, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Summer Congress, London, United Kingdom.
- July 14-16, 2010 International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, London, United Kingdom.
- July 14-16, 2010 International Conference on e-Democracy, e-Government and e-Society (ICDGS), London, United Kingdom.
- July 14-16, 2010 International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy (ICKMKE 2010), London, United Kingdom.
- July 14-16, 2010 Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA) 2010, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- July 14-22, 2010 Creativity Workshop, Florence, Italy.
- July 15-16, 2010 Getting Started with e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- July 18-20, 2010 Lausanne Laptop Institute, Lausanne Collegiate School, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
- July 18-20, 2010 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Technology Conference, Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
- July 18-21, 2010 National Staff Development Council (NSDC) Summer Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- July 18-21, 2010 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA.
- July 18-22, 2010 International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR): Communication and Citizenship.
- July 18-23, 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Barcelona, Spain.
- July 18-23, 2010 International Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference, 33rd, Geneva, Switzerland.
- July 18-25, 2010 International Conference on Advances in Future Internet, 2nd, Venice, Italy.
- July 19-22, 2010 International Conference on Critical Thinking: How to Teach Students to Master Content by Developing a Questioning Mind, 30th annual, Berkeley, California, USA.
- July 19-23, 2010 EDUCAUSE Management Program, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
- July 19-23, 2010 Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Summer Research Symposium: The Evolution from Distance Education to Distributed Learning, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
- July 19-23, 2010 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT), 10th, Seoul, Korea. or
- July 21-24, 2010 Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society, Novotel Paris Tour Eiffel, France.
- July 21-25, 2010 Society for Values in Higher Education: Making Choices – Sustainability in a World of Conflicting Values, Portland State University, Portland, Washington, USA.
- July 26-28, 2010 International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2008), Athens, Greece.
- July 26-28, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Informatics 2010, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 26-28, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Telecommunications, Networks, and Systems 2010, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 26-28, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Wireless Applications and Computing, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 26-28, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies (GET2009), Freiburg, Germany.
- July 26-29, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on e-Learning, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 26-30, 2010 Faculty Development Summer Institute on Active Learning and Teaching, 27th, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
- July 26-30, 2010 Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2010: International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 37th, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- June 26-31, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCIS), Freiburg, Germany.
- July 27-29, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (ICIST 2010), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- July 28-30, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Summer Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- July 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (ICHCI 2010), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- July 28-30, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 28-30, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) e-Commerce, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 28-31, 2010 Association of Management/International Association of Management (AoM/IAoM), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- July 29-31, 2010 International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Web Based Communities, Freiburg, Germany.
- July 29-August 2, 2010, International Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy (IWCTP), 18th biennial, sponsored by the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), Coastal Carolina University, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA.
- July ?, 2010 Design Research Society Conference, 5th biennial. The 4th was held July 16-19, 2008 in Sheffield, United Kingdom. 2010 date to be determined.
- July ?, 2010 Technology for Engagement, Assessment and Communication in Higher Education (TEACH!) Conference was held July 15-18, 2008 at Durham, New Hampshire, USA. 2010 date to be determined.
August 2010
- August 1-4, 2010 International Conference on Computing and ICT Research (ICCIR), 6th, Makere University, Kampala, Uganda.
- August 2-5, 2010 Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- August 3-6, 2010 Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, 26th annual, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
- August 4-6, 2010 International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT), 2nd, London Metropolitan Business School, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
- August 4-6, 2010 eAsia, Hyderabad, India.
- August 7-11, 2010 Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
- August 10-15, 2010 World Library and Information Congress, 76th International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) General Conference and Assembly: Open Access to Knowledge – Promoting Sustainable Progress, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- August 11-13, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Summer Congress, Stockholm, Sweden.
- August 11-13, 2010 International Conference on Health and Medical Informatics (ICHMI 2010), Stockholm, Sweden.
- August 12-13, 2010 Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into Your e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar
- August 12-15, 2010 Americas Conference on Information Systems, 16th, Lima, Peru.
- August 14-19, 2010 World Library and Information Congress, 76th International Federation of Library Associations, Brisbane, Australia.
- August 16-20, 2010 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal.
- August 18-20, 2010 Interactive Technologies Conference, hosted by the Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT), Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
- August 18-20, 2010 International Workshop on e-Activity, 4th IEEE workshop, Yamagata University, Yonezawa, Japan.
- August 18-20, 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS2010), Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan.
- August 18-21, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL 2010), 9th, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
- August 24-27, 2010 Tech-Ed Australia, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition, Centre, Gold Coast, Australia. or
- August 25-27, 2010 Campus Technology 2010, Beijing, China.
- August 25-27, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Summer Congress, Singapore.
- August 25-27, 2010 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communication Systems, Singapore.
- August ?, 2010 Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning: Design, Development and Validation, 13th GIREP 2008, Learning in Science Group conference was held August 18-22, 2008 in University of Cyprus, Cyprus. The conference is held every second year.
- August ?, 2010 International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL2010), 9th, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
September 2010
- September 1-4, 2010 European Higher Education Society Forum: Linking Society and Universities – New Missions for Universities, 32nd, Valencia, Spain.
- September 1-4, 2010 British Educational Research Association Conference, University of Warwick, near Coventry, United Kingdom.
- September 2-3, 2010 European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), 11th, Famalicão, Portugal.
- September 4-6, 2010 The Society for Editors and Proofreaders Annual Conference: Succeeding through Innovation, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- September 4-6, 2010 European Conference on Knowledge Management, 11th, Famalicão, Portugal.
- September 6-8, 2010 African Conference on Health Informatics (AfricaHI 2010), sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Gaborone, Botswana.
- September 6-8, 2010 Modelling and Simulation, sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Gaborone, Botswana.
- September 6-11, 2010, European Conference on Digital Libraries, 14th, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- September 7, 2010 Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Conference: Into something rich and strange – making sense of the sea-change, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- September 7-9, 2010 International Networking Education in Healthcare (NET2010) Conference, 21st, Cambridge University, United Kingdom,
- September 7-9, 2010 Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2010): Into Something Rich and Strange – Making Sense of the Sea-Change, 17th, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- September 7-10, 2010 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Mobile HCI 2010), 12th, Lisbon, Portugal.
- September 8-11, 2010 European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL), University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
- September 9-10, 2010 European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, 4th, Lisbon, Portugal.
- September 13-15, 2010 Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly: Doing More with Less, Paris, France, sponsored by the Institutional Management in Higher Education.
- September 15-17, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Autumn Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- September 15-17, 2010 International Conference on Interactive Computer-aided Learning, 13th, (ICL2010), Hasselt, Belgium.
- September 15-18, 2010 European Association for International Education Conference, 22nd, annual, Nantes, France.
- September 16-17, 2010 e-Learning Instructional and Graphic Design Best Practices, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- September 16-17, 2010 European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), 5th, Athens, Greece.
- September 20-23, 2010 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) World Computer Congress (WCC 2010): Build a Better World, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- September 20-25, 2010 International Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2010), 6th, sponsored by International Academy Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), Valencia, Spain.
- September 20-25, 2010 International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 5th, sponsored by International Academy Research and Industry Association (IARIA), Valencia, Spain.
- September 23-26, 2010 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Central Michigan University, Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
- September 25-27, 2010 Council of Educational Facility Planners (CEFPI) Annual World Conference and Expo, 87th, San Jose, California, USA.
- September 26-28, 2010 Educational Networking Conference (EdNET 2010), 22st, Boston, Massachusetts USA.
- September 26-29, 2010 Open Distance Learning Association of Australasia, 19th biennial conference, Sydney, Australia.
- September 27-29, 2010 European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU): Strategies and Business Models for LifeLong Learning - Frames of References Building on Good Practices, Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz, Brig, Switzerland.
- September 27-29, 2010 National University Telecommunications Network (NUTN) 2010, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
- September 27-Ocotber 1, 2010 International Association of School Librarianship (IASL 2010): Diversity, Challenge, Resilience – School Libraries in Action, 39th, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- September 28-29, 2010 World of Learning Conference and Exhibition, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- September 28-30, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Autumn Congress, Houston, Texas, USA.
- September 28-30, 2010 International Conference on Computer Education and Instructional Technology (ICCEIT 2010), Houston, Texas, USA.
- September 30-October 3, 2010 Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- September ?, 2010 Designs on eLearning Conference, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
- September ?, 2010 Australian Library and Information Association Biennial Conference was held September 2-5, 2008 in Alice Springs, Australia.
- September ?, 2010 Open Education Conference, 7th annual, Barcelona, Spain.
- September ?, 2010 ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 16th annual, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- September ?, 2010 Mobile Learning Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
- International Conference on Research in Access and Developmental Education, 4th, was held September 24-27, 2008 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. As the conference is held every four or five years, the next conference should be held in 2012 or 2013.
October 2010
- October 4-5, 2010 Distance Education and Training Council’s (DETC) Distance Education Workshop, The Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, USA.
- October 4-6, 2010 International Conference on Education and Educational Technology (EDU’10), 9th, Iwate, Japan.
- October 5-8, 2010 ULearn10: Collaborate, Innovate, Educate, Christchurch, New Zealand,
- October 6-8, 2010 Languages and the Media, 8th, International Conference and Exhibition on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media, Berlin, Germany.
- October 7-8, 2010 Integrating Media into Your e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- October 10-13, 2010 Handheld Learning: The International Event for Learning, Teaching and Mobile Computing, London, United Kingdom.
- October 12-15, 2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.
- October 17-20, 2010 Presentation Summit (formerly PowerPoint Live ), Pacific Beach, San Diego, USA.
- October 18-22, 2010 Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2010) Virtual Conference (It will be held online.), 14th, sponsored by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED).
- October 19-21, 2010 4G World 2010, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- October 19-22, 2010 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), Liverpool, United Kingdom.
- October 20-22, 2010 International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID), 3rd, Europe Congress, Rome, Italy.
- October 21-22, 2010 European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL), 4th, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- October 21-23, 2010 Diversity, Learning, and Inclusive Excellence sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Houston, Texas, USA.
- October 22-27, 2010 The Information Society for the Information Age, Hilton Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- October 24-27, 2010 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) Fall Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
- October 24-27, 2010 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA), Vienna, Virginia, USA.
- October 25-27, 2010 Association of Research Libraries Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. or
- October 25-29, 2010 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Multimedia Conference, Firenze, Italy.
- October 26-28, 2010 Supercomm (business and technology solutions), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- October 27-29, 2010 World DIDAC Basel: International Exhibition for Education and Training, Basel, Switzerland.
- October 27-29, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Autumn Congress, Kyoto, Japan.
- October 27-30, 2010 North American Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD), Vancouver, British Columbia, USA.
- October ?, 2010 International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), Soeul, Korea. or
November 2010
- November 3-7, 2010 Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education Conference, Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- November 5-8, 2010 Chief Academic Officers Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, St. Petersburg Beach Florida, USA.
- November 6-8, 2010 National Conference on Students in Transition, 16th, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- November 6-9, 2010 Chief Academic Officers Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.
- November 7-10, 2010 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Annual Strategic Enrollment Management Conference, 20th annual, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
- November 7-10, 2010 State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) Conference, location to be determined – Washington, D.C. or Crystal City, USA.
- November 8-9, 2010 The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Digital Repositories Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- November 10-12, 2010 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Autumn Congress, Sydney, Australia.
- November 10-12, 2010 International Conference on Data Mining, Sydney, Australia.
- November 10-13, 2010 Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (WCET), 22nd annual, La Jolla, California, USA.
- November 11-13, 2010 Undergraduate Research sponsored by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Durham, North Carolina, USA.
- November 12-16, 2010 Community College Business Officers Conference, Westin Hilton Island Resort and Spa, Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA.
- November 13-14, 2010 International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, and Organisational Learning, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
- November 17-19, 2010 infoComm Asia 2010, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, China.
- November 18-20, 2010 European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) Conference, 40th, Granada, Spain.
- November 19-21, 2010 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- November 24-26, 2010 International Conference on Mobile, Wireless and Optical Communication, Venice, Italy.
- November 24-28, 2010 Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF6): Access and Success in Learning – Global Development Perspectives, 6th, will be hosted by Indira Gandhi National Open University at the Le Meridien Cochin Resort and Convention Centre, Kochi, Kerala, India.
- November ?, 2010 Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE) Biennial Congress: Higher Education and Governance, 15th, was held at the Meliá Caribe Tropical Hotel, Bávaro, Dominican Republic.
December 2010
- December 9-10, 2010 What’s Hot, What’s Not in e-Learning, eLearning Guild Online Seminar.
- December 10-12, 2010 International Conference on Arts and Technology (ArtsIT 2010), Chongqing, China.
- December 13-16, 2010 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), hosted by ICT4D Collective and UNESCO, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, United Kingdom. or
- December 14-16, 2010 E-Activities, 9th, sponsored by WSEAS, University of Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela.
- December 29-31, 2010 International Conference on Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Bangkok, Thailand.
- December 29-31, 2010 International Conference on Computer, Information and Network Security (ICCINS 2010), Bangkok, Thailand.
- December ? 2010 International Conference on Asia-Digital Libraries (ICADL 2008): Universal and Ubiquitous Access to Information, 11th, was held December 2-5, 2008 in Bali, Indonesia. The 2010 conference will be held in Australia.
- December ?, 2010 International Conference on Experiential Learning, 12th, will be held in Chile.
January 2011
- January 4-7, 2011 Presidents Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Palm Springs, California, USA.
- January 7-12, 2011 American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, California, USA.
- January 9-12, 2011 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) Winter Seminar, Pointe Hilton Resort at Tapatio Cliffs, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- January 30-February 1, 2011 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Transfer Conference, annual, New Orleans Marriott at the Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- January 30-February 2, 2011 National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
February 2011
- February 23-25, 2011 Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), biennial conference, location to be announced.
- February 28-March 2, 2011 Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Annual Meeting, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, USA.
March 2011
- March 13-16, 2011 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Conference, 97th annual, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- March 14-16, 2011 EDUCAUSE Midwest Regional Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- March 30-April 2, 2011 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 15th biennial conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- March ?, 2011 European Symposium on Gender and ICT, 5th, will be held in Bremen, Germany.
- March ?, 2011 Building the Scientific Mind BtSM 2011, Fourth Advanced Colloquium, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- March ?, 2011 The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education Global Forum organized by The Observatory on Borderless Higher and Athabasca University, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- March ?, 2011 European Symposium on Gender and ICT – Digital Cultures: Participation, Empowerment, Diversity, 6th, Umea University, Sweden.
April 2011
- April 2-6, 2011 National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Caribe Royal, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- April 3-6, 2011 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) Annual Conference and Exhibition, 40th, Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA.
May 2011
- May 16-17, 2011 Enterprise Information and Technology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- May 29-June 3, 2011 Association of International Educators Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- May ?, 2011 Ryerson Faculty Conference, 19th annual, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
- May ?, 2011 EDUCAUSE Australasia, hosted by University of Technology , Australia.
June 2011
- June 20-24, 2011 International Conference on Thinking, 15th, Belfast, Ireland.
- June 21-25, 2011 International Association for Language Learning Technology Conference hosted by University of California, Irvine, California, USA.
- June 23-25, 2011 International Society for Language Studies Conference, Renaissance Aruba Resort, Oranjestad, Aruba.
- June 23-29, 2011 American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- June ?, 2011 Science Learning and Teaching Conference, 4th biennial conference. The 2009 conference was held at, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
July 2011
- July 10-12, 2011 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Technology Conference, annual, Grand Sierra Hotel, Reno, Nevada, USA.
- July 25-28, 2011 International Conference on Critical Thinking, 31st annual, Berkley, California, USA.
August 2011
- August 8-12, 2011 Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2011: International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 38th, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- August ?, 2011 National Association for Media Literacy Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
September 2011
- September 6-9, 2011 British Educational Research Association Conference, Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom.
- September 13-15, 2011 International Conference on Education and Development, 11th, sponsored by British Department of International Development, Cambridge International, Aga Kahn Foundation, and Jeremy Greenland Bursary Trust, Oxford, the United Kingdom,
October 2011
- October 2-5, 2011 International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference, 24th, hosted by Universitas Terbuka, Bali, Indonesia.
- October 30-November 2, 2011 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Conference, 21st annual, Sheraton San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California, USA.
November 2011
- November 5-8, 2011 Chief Academic Officers Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA.