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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Online Language Training

Over on the Big Question, we are discussing Network Feedback which is basically how can you reach out and get help around a question. Almost the same time I posted the question, I received a question from a reader around Language Learning.

The person works in a corporation in Turkey and is looking to find eLearning to teach employees English. I know there's a lot going on in online language training. In our brief exchange, I mentioned EduFire and Myngle - but the response is that these are more aimed at consumer rather than corporate.

Any suggested solutions?

And, if you have thoughts on how you would go about finding answers to this inquiry, you can use that as your answer to the Big Question. :)


Helen Whitehead said...
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Helen Whitehead said...

There are several interesting solutions to this problem. I like - they won an e-learning intiative of the year award recently and work with both individuals and corporate clients.

Tracy Parish said...

I was recently sent a link to They don't necessarily teach english completely, but it is a network where those learning english can go to connect with others learning. They can ask questions about pronounciation, meaning, etc.

Seemed like a good resource.

Unknown said... and are two of the biggest online English language websites. I know Globalenglish caters to the corporate world.

Cheap UPC CODE said...

For ESL or EFL learners,They call business English.

Anonymous said...

Our company provides English training solutions via the telephone supported by an online LMS with live chat. We are currently the largest telephone-based English language training provider for European learners, but serve learners throughout the world. Corporate contracts are the norm. Corporations wishing to evaluate our services can usually obtain a number of test lessons.

Anonymous said...

The biggest free online services with tutorials etc. Babbel - Learn Languages online and Livemocha. Another example is a project called Mixxer, which uses Skype for "Tandem" language learning.

Stéphanie Vincent said...

to continue the conversation there is a slide here (fr)


Stéphanie Vincent said...

excuse me
choose "speak english" presentation

Unknown said...

eduFire is currently testing out "classroom" lessons, where one person can teach a group of people (up to 99). This might work for this group in Turkey? Depends on what they might want, though.

Anonymous said...

Gapfillers (mentioned by Helen earlier) - is aimed at people who need quite high level English language skills for work or study. The content is delivered in a 'bite-sized' way giving about 15 minutes practice daily. This is then archived and we now have over 2,000 pages of exercises covering all language skills. We piloted the site with business managers who needed to broaden their vocabulary and other language skills to interact with native speakers. We are about to put the daily unit on to mobile phone so it really can help busy people develop their language skills 'on the go'.
We use real English from the media and everyday life and develop the exercises (many are interactive) to test and train. Gapfillers is a community site as well as a training site. Members are encouraged to tell us what they need and that helps drive the content.
You can contact me through the site for more information.