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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Twitter Contest Winner

The first round of the Digital Habitats Twitter Contest had 94 entries and the winner was:


Congrats Christy!  I'm now a bit jealous as you are getting a book that's going to be sitting by your desk for many years and it's signed by John and Nancy.

I think that the contest has already been successful, but there's still another chance to win. 

Go here: to find out how you can still win.

By the way, even if you don't win a copy of the book, you can still come hear Nancy and John at LearnTrends 2009.  In fact, John is doing two sessions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited. I'm actually developing a course on Professional Learning Communities for K-12 teachers right now, and we're going to use the Action Notebook from this book for some of the activities.

The LearnTrends presentations should be terrific. I'm looking forward both to the book and the conference!