Monday, July 26, 2010

Augmented Reality for Learning

A colleague just asked me if I knew anyone who was using Augmented Reality for learning.  I’m not and I gave him the standard advice about looking through LinkedIn Guide for Knowledge Workers, LinkedIn for Finding Expertise, and Searching for Expertise - LinkedIn Answers.  He did that, but didn’t find particular people.  Probably I need to update my posts because there have to be lots of people who would be involved in training and augmented reality found via LinkedIn.  I just tried a search for “augmented reality” as a keyword along with either title contains “training” or “learning” and found some interesting folks.

My next suggestion was to use eLearning Learning to search.  This gave rise to the additional of a new keyword Augmented Reality on eLearning Learning.  You may have wondered where the keywords come from. :)

Actually, this leads to quite a treasure trove of great posts:

  1. Tools for Developing Augmented Reality Applications- Upside Learning Blog, April 30, 2010
  2. Fighting Phobia's with Augmented Reality- Kapp Notes, July 6, 2010
  3. Augmented Reality, Future for eLearning?- Designing Impact, June 8, 2010
  4. Augmented Reality: does it have a place/future in education?- Dont Waste Your Time, February 23, 2010
  5. More Augmented Reality Videos- Dont Waste Your Time, March 26, 2010
  6. Mobile Augmented Reality Training, April 30, 2010
  7. Augmented Reality To Help Military Mechanics Fix Vehicles, January 25, 2010
  8. Augmented Reality and the Future of Learning & Work, September 22, 2009
  9. Google Goggles will rock m-learning., December 7, 2009
  10. Augmented Reality and The Coming Tsunami of Location Learning Apps- Electronic Papyrus, October 26, 2009
  11. Layar the first mobile augmented reality application- Ignatia Webs, June 23, 2009
  12. The two types of augmented reality- E-learning in the Corporate Sector, July 20, 2010
  13. Advantages and Drawbacks of using Augmented Reality #AugmentedReality- Dont Waste Your Time, March 30, 2010
  14. In 2015 augmented learning in a ubiquitous learning environment will be fact- Ignatia Webs, May 11, 2010
  15. Augmented Reality in Learning- Upside Learning Blog, April 15, 2009
  16. Learning - augmented- Lars is Learning, September 9, 2009
  17. Augmented Reality – Now A Reality at Upside- Upside Learning Blog, March 2, 2010
  18. Augmented Reality on campus- Dont Waste Your Time, July 7, 2010

And this naturally leads to both the people/companies in the various case studies as well as suggests some folks to contact such as Judy Brown, Karl Kapp, Lars Hyland, David Hopkins and more.  At least they’ll likely have a bit more clue as to who to talk to.

If you have suggestions for my colleague, we are all ears.


  1. Hi thanks for the great set of links. I current teach Earth Sciences Geography and Geology and have made several attempts to bring augmented reality into my course, this is a link to my blog on the use of Wikitudeme and Augmented Reality Fieldwork it has some scope in augmented reality but just this week I have started looking at using Hoppala and Layar, this allows you much more scope including embedding videos, images and documents. I will write a blog outlining my success at implementing this approach in the next few weeks.

  2. Great stuff Mark. Thanks for the pointer. When you post, please let me know.

  3. You might want to check out some information I collated on ARGs at:

  4. I’m just seeing this post for the first time. Thank you so much for mentioning me. What a great feeling. Thanks again!

  5. Thanks, Tony. I appreciate this. The links are very helpful...

  6. Thanks for the list Tony! Currently building an AR application for education via a desktop (ARtoolkit) and one for mobile use (Android). Quite excited by the new posibilities it offers, certainly for e- and mLearning.

  7. For k-12 knowledge & info check out Edutopia (george lucas's NPO). Also check out DARPA/DoD as they make extensive use of Aug Reality for training.

  8. Also check out: University of Central Florida's Institute for Simulation & Training; UC San Diego & Carnegie Mellon U.


  10. Hi Tony, I hope you're well. AR does still seem several iterations away from being very practical. We are developing an iPhone app where we have marked up our photos with AR-like conventions. So, conceptually, the idea of marking up photos with visual aids and directions had been invaluable to us as we have designed our GPS-enabled tree tour and have had to rely less on GPS and more on context-specific visual cues.


    The Franklin Institute Science Museum is working on a project about AR and learning in a museum setting.

  12. We recently released an AR astronomy app, SpaceWalking--it creates a virtual solar system reduced to walkable scale:
