I just saw a post by Amit Garg Top 47 eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs. His list was very similar to the list of sources that eLearning Learning includes. It made me wonder how many sources does eLearning Learning include? Turns out it's exactly 99.
Please let me know if I'm missing any blogs that produce good content on eLearning and more particularly Workplace eLearning that would make sense to include. eLearning Learning is looking for a bit deeper posts that focus on applied issues.
If you don't want to subscribe to all 99 sources individually, then you can subscribe to either the Full Feed or Best Of feed from eLearning Learning. The full feed provides snippets from each source. And the Best Of feed provides a weekly summary with the top content from all of these sources. The Best Of also includes upcoming free elearning webinars. Personally I find that this is high value even though I try to stay up on all the latest and best content.
I'll also mention that there's one source that's a bit different than the others. It's Tony Karrer delicious links. As I find interesting items that are not part of these sources, I manually mark those. It's part of the overall social filtering that the technology relies on. I would definitely welcome involvement of more content collectors. So …
Wanted: Content Collectors
and heck, might as well mention…
Wanted: Calendar Curators
So here are the 99 sources in no particular order:
- The Learning Circuits Blog
- eLearning Technology
- Clive on Learning
- Corporate eLearning Strategies and Development
- In the Middle of the Curve
- Tony Karrer delicious links
- Rapid eLearning Blog
- Learning Conversations
- Learning Rocks
- Game Changing Idea
- Informal Learning
- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Janet Clarey
- e-Clippings (blogoehlert)
- Learning Matters!
- eLearning Acupuncture
- Breakthrough eLearning
- Discovery Through eLearning
- eLearning Weekly
- Engaged Learning
- eLearning Community 2.0
- eContent
- Jane Hart - Pick of the Day
- Internet Time
- Experiencing eLearning
- Learning Next
- Learning Design and Performance Improvement
- Adobe Captivate Blog
- Learning and Technology
- Learning Circuits
- eQuixotic
- Mobile Learning
- Learning Visions
- Will at Work Learning
- Business Casual
- Bamboo Project
- ThirdForce Blog
- eLearning Learning Posts
- Social Learning and Communities of Practice
- Jonathan's ID
- eLearning 3.0 Blog
- Bozarthzone
- subQuark
- eLearning Roadtrip
- Road to Learning
- There Is No Chalk
- Spicy Learning
- The E-Learning Curve
- Electronic Papyrus
- trainingwreck
- E-learning in the Corporate Sector
- Daretoshare
- Dont Waste Your Time
- eLearning Development News
- Performance Learning Productivity
- Performer Support
- Good Practice
- Learning in a Sandbox
- Simply Speaking
- The eLearning Coach
- Learning on the Leading Edge
- Learning Developments
- Work 2.0 Blog
- WISE Pedagogy
- Learning and Working on the Web
- Learnlets
- Social Enterprise Blog
- elearnspace
- Element K Blog
- Upside Learning Blog
- Courseware Development
- Ignatia Webs
- MinuteBio
- Lars is Learning
- Kapp Notes
- Adventures in Corporate Education
- Dave's Whiteboard
- Blender - Training Solutions
- Clark Aldrich
- Learning Journeys
- The Learned Man
- Blogger in Middle-earth
- T+D Blog
- Designing Impact
- Onlignment
- Learning Journal
- Learn and Lead
- Joitske Hulsebosch eLearning
- Making Change
- Nigel Paine
- Sticky Learning
- Social Media in Learning
- Take an e-Learning Break
- Bottom-Line Performance
- Skilful Minds
- Gram Consulting
- The Boggs e-Learning Chronicle
- Vikas Joshi on Interactive Learning
- Visual Lounge
I wonder who will be number 100?
Perhaps Mark Siegrist's blog at:
Dennis Phillips:
How about www.webinarhero.com?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKern Learning Solutions Blog : Learnability Matters
ReplyDeleteHi Tony,
ReplyDeleteCool list :)
Interestingly, I find several of my blog posts on the 'eLearning Learning' site (get a lot of referrals from the site, too). For example:
But my blog itself, is not even mentioned among your 99 sources:
Also, I believe your list needs more Asian and African spice to be really excellent :)
In short, please take time to discover the world beyond the 99 blogs mentioned :)
I suppose you are going to ask for suggestions, so I will share with you a bit of Indian magic:
As for other countries... (self-exploration) :)
Have a great week discovering the world beyond :)
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I will take a look at each of them.
ReplyDeleteZaid - I'm very much interested in finding international perspectives. Please point me to the ones that you think are good from the geographies you mention.
In terms of being listed as a Featured Source, I'll connect with you offline with the details, but those folks are actively participating and promoting the site.
Hi Tony
ReplyDeleteWould love to see ZaidLearn on this list. His blog gets more traffic than some of the blogs listed above... well more than my blog at least :-).
An updated list of blogs by Learning professionals and companies in India is available at http://manishmo.blogspot.com/2009/06/blogs-by-indian-learning-professionals.html. This was last updated in Jun 2009 based on the blogs I follow.
I guess any blog list will be a moving target. Marking a compilation "Top x" makes the list a little more controversial perhaps. Question can be asked Top x on what basis. That is why I renamed my top 10 blogs by learning professionals in India to just Blogs by learning professionals in India.
Manish - thanks for the pointers. Gary Wise and Zaid have both been added. 100 and 101.
ReplyDeleteI have several of the blogs you mention in your post, but will go through and see if others fit. Do you have a relationship with these bloggers?
Hi Tony
ReplyDeleteI know some of the bloggers personally. But mostly it is networking on Twitter or LinkedIn. Feel free to drop me an email if you want to connect with any of the bloggers.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that Workplace Learning Today, from Brandon Hall Research, is not included in your list of "top 99 workplace elearning blogs". We have been publishing every business day for a year, with over 1500 posts.
Workplace Learning is an interesting hybrid blog. It originally seemed to be more of a link to interesting posts blog. With your deeper original content staying other places such as Janet's blog - which is included in the list.
ReplyDeleteThere might be other ways to do something here. Feel free to contact me directly: akarrer@techempower.com
Good list. May like to see my blog at http://teachknowlogist.blogspot.com/
Interestingly, I find several of my blog posts on the 'eLearning Learning' site (get a lot of referrals from the site, too).
ReplyDeleteIn Brazil, the company's e-learning GSI Online (www.gsionline.com.br) keeps the blog Think e-Learning (www.penseelearning.com.br) on matters of the topic.
ReplyDeleteWow, I had no idea there were so many. Any updates to the list? :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting !! Good article. www.myopencourses.com provides online lectures based on higher education for free .