Monday, July 06, 2009

LinkedIn Guide for Knowledge Workers

I do a lot of presentations where one of the topics is how to use LinkedIn more effectively as part of your knowledge work. In most cases, I will ask for a show of hands:

  • How many of you have a LinkedIn Account? - Generally 50-70%.
  • How many of you actively use LinkedIn? – Generally down to 10%.
  • How many of you get really high value from LinkedIn? - Now down to 2-5%

I am continually surprised by this result (Getting Value from LinkedIn). I can't remember how I could get things done without LinkedIn. And I consider knowing how to effectively use LinkedIn to be a core Work Literacy.

I wanted to collect together some of the resources I've found that can help you get more out of LinkedIn.

And, don't forget to look at my LinkedIn Connection Approach Rethought. Consider whether it makes sense for you to introduce yourself and connect via LinkedIn.

Based on a comment I just received, if you only have time for one resource - visit:

It shows the basics of what a lot of this is about.LinkedIn Basics

Leveraging LinkedIn

Profiles, Recommendations and Network Building

Using LinkedIn For Travel and Meetings

Groups on LinkedIn

Other Resources


  1. To answer your questions:

    I use LinkedIn and I am an active user. As far as value, I get a lot of value from participating in e-learning groups. I find there is a lot of quality discussion and "knowledge sharing" in many of the groups. I have also found some valuable and helpful network connections too. At times I have been able to share resources and advice along with receiving the same.

    In regards to LinkedIn Resources, here is a link to my "LinkedIn Power Tips" page -

    It includes using LinkedIn as a CRM, customizing profiles in addition to a few others. FYI: These tips are interactive Captivate sims.

  2. I am an active LinkedIn user. I'm sure that there is a lot to learn that I don't know. There are also things I don't know that I'd like to (such as how to search simultaneously the discussions of all groups to which I belong).

    But Tony, your list was way too big. I think a LinkedIn novice might be put off by the extent of the resource you posted and then by clicking on one link, as I did, and finding it to be a page full of links! My initial thoughs was "I can never read all of this!" I suspect that at least some of those who are not information junkies or computer hardcores (I'm surely the latter) will be put off by the magnitude of the list.

    So,how about identifying a good starting point? Two or three sites where one could really see the benefits of LinkedIn, not just the features would be great. I mean, even your Basics section has 16 links. It's a great resource, pleae don't misunderstand, and I'm sure over time I will look at more of the sites. But hilighting a few would really help.

    Now, is it just me or do others prefer at least a text summary of a video? I try to play videos faster than real time (much like I listen to audio, when I can) but not all web videos are set up for that or allow downloading. It is so hard to sit through a normal speed video most of the time. This is true of many how-to videos, especially. I have watched videos all the way through at normal speed if, to at least some extent, the speaker is the message (or the speaker's nuances are the message). For example, I recently re-watched a Thiagi video for almost two hours at normal speed.

    OK. I'll shut up now.

  3. Jeff - good videos. I've not gone to using LinkedIn as a CRM in that it doesn't link with email. Rather I use the Outlook plug-in to be able to view profiles easily. But definitely worth seeing those tips.

    John - Good question on searching groups' discussions.

    I agree that the list is big. I've highlighted one post/movie to get you started, but the reality is that it will somewhat depend on what you are doing and what stage you are at.

    If you have thoughts on how to do a text summary of the video that doesn't involve a bunch of screen captures, I'm all ears. The challenge is that it takes a while (more than capture time) to make all the screen captures.

  4. I have had some technical problems with linked in, specifically that it does not work in Firefox. When I brought this to the attention of the site, they told me to use Internet explorer. As a result, if I want to access LinkedIn, I have to leave my preferred web browser which is time consuming. As a result, I use it sparingly.

    In addition, I don't find that it addresses the needs for academics or my geographic region. When I do searches, I often come up with results for the New York City area which is very different from the area where I currently live or work. As a result, I find it has limited uses.

  5. Virginia - I use it with Firefox all the time. It used to have issues, but I don't see much anymore.

    Curious that you get lots of hits in NY. It will likely depend on your network. You can always do a geography search. Most often I don't care where I find someone to have a conversation.

  6. For my interests, I am looking for a smaller more provincial market for expertise. What works in NYC or even Chicago or San Francisco, does not work in a more provincial smaller town in Upstate NY. Many of the companies in this region are resistant to change and the infrastructure is not as advanced (there are areas nearby without internet access or mobile technology access).

    One of the limits of LinkedIn, I find, is the limits to your network. It takes a lot of work to expand it when there might be a more efficient way (such as online training venues) to create a network.

  7. This rocks!!! I am sharing this with all my students!
