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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More eLearning Bloggers

Small edit on 11/19.

Is it my imagination, or is blogging slowly taking off among eLearning folks? The past few conferences I did, I didn't see many bloggers talking about sessions who weren't presenters or long time bloggers. This time I've seen quite a few more mentions in relatively new bloggers:
And I'm intentionally not pointing you to all the normal sources like Jay, Brent, Silke, Mark, etc. You know them, but look at this list.

What's up? Are people now blogging?

I need to revive the Big Question - where's Dave Lee.


Joe Deegan said...

Hey Tony,
I am one of the new bloggers and I got into it after I stumbled across your blog while researching how to construct an RFP. I started browsing around, finding lot's of great information, and started to wonder could there be more pots of gold out there. Turns out there is more pots of gold then I have time for :)
I have been impressed with how bloggers are more than willing to take the time to help me out and share ideas. If you look hard enough there is an answer to everything.
I have found blogging to be great for formulating my thoughts and game plan so to speak. And the great part is I get feedback from bloggers who have already been through it before. Thanks for getting me into blogging.

Tony Karrer said...

This is an awesome comment!

BTW Joe, how is it that we didn't end up spending time together at DevLearn?

Jeff Yoder said...

Yes Tony, your session on Web 2.0 at DevLearn inspired me to start a blog. To think, only a week ago I was just a normal human being, and now I'm a blogger -- my mother will be so proud!

It's a rich environment and it's amazing how it enables the creation of community.

I have also started a public wiki for Youth Orchestras. What existed before was an email listserve, which was great for posing questions to the community, but the info did not have the permanence or searchability of a wiki. Next I'm going to start social bookmarking.

You've created a monster!

Silke Fleischer said...

It's awesome to see what impact a conference like this has on people trying new technologies :)
Nice collection of new blogs. Thanks for finding them.

Jennifer Zapp said...

Hi Tony,
I too was inspired by your presentation to jump into the blogger life. Here's my new blog

Thanks for the motivation.

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