The overwhelming majority of the learning needs of Canadian adults are not
addressed by formal training and education. In this post-industrial era, adults
today require self-directed learning skills to thrive in the unstructured work
environments outside of school. Efforts should be focused on the development of
practical tools and strategies for adults to learn in a networked information
I tend to agree that while day-to-day I focus on formal training and performance support solutions, the real need is to help develop "practical tools and strategies" that help us learn. However, I feel like we are failing miserably in this area.
We (learning professionals) don't seem to know how to use these tools ourselves: Do Learning Professionals Make the Worst Learners? and More Questions on Making Learning for Learning Professionals More Effective.
And I have see lots of examples of tools out there, but I don't see lots of adoption nor do I see the practical strategies.
We need more pragmatic suggestions like I was trying to do in:
Personal Learning for Learning Professionals - Using Web 2.0 Tools to Make Reading & Research More Effective
What else are you finding that's helping you become a better learner in this "networked world."
If you have thoughts on this, I’m a regular reader so I’d love to see more blog posts on these tools and strategies.
I liked your new buzzword.."Personal Learning Network." I think this topic is clearly on the cutting edge as we now cope with rapid technological changes. As Gary Small states in his "iBrain" book... the modern mind is adapting. Does everyone have a modern mind? Not at all, so we have to ask.."why wouldn't an educator want to have a modern mind?" I think this issue is complex and involves lots of subtopics such as motivation (financial, emotional; fears); funding for the equipment needed to have a modern mind; time needed and especially important---why should I, my mind works just fine?