The first couple of responses to this month's LCBQ Addressing I Want it Now #LCBQ have come in and Kasper Spiro's caught my eye: On demand: agile e-Learning development #LCBQ. Like Kasper, I'm very familiar with Agile in software development. I was not as familiar with it in terms of eLearning development.
So, I wanted to pull together some reading and resources around Agile eLearning, Agile ADDIE, etc.
I found some amazing resources using eLearning Learning and via search:
- What Agile Means to Me- ID Reflections
- ADDIE isn't Dead; it's just more Agile- Integrated Learnings
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Of Project Spaces & Project Managers- The Learning Generalist
- Agile instructional design- Jay Cross's Informal Learning
- Agility and Autonomy- Learning and Working on the Web
- Designing for Agile Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog
- No time for design?- Making Change
- Agile, Lego and Training: The common factors.- ID Reflections
- Agile e-learning- Clive on Learning
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Agile Re-explained- The Learning Generalist
- I lost my agile virginity- Challenge to Learn
- Tackling Wicked Problems Using an Iterative Approach- ID Reflections
- Get Real: Mission Critical E-learning- Lars is Learning
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Why Synchronous Learning makes so much sense today- The Learning Generalist
- ADDIE isn't dead; how can it be?- Integrated Learnings
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual: Problems with existing approaches- The Learning Generalist
- The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Iterations huh?- The Learning Generalist
- Agility through collaboration- Learning and Working on the Web
- The Periodic Table of Agile Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Harold Jarche » Instructional Design Needs More Agility- Learning and Working on the Web
- Orientation in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Towards an alternative e-learning- Onlignment
- Agile Design: An Ethos for Creating Learning Platforms- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Planning in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Selection in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Iterations in Agile Learning Design- Big Dog, Little Dog
- Agile Learning Design: Tools for Learners- Big Dog, Little Dog
Bonus Items Recommended by my Tweets
I'm still studying all of this to see whether I really buy that Agile methods will work. Lots of my experience tells me that while we intended to be Agile, put something out and then update it. It's the updating part that doesn't happen. If Agile turns into rapid elearning, then we are back to Rapid eLearning Tools Debate.
Hello. I'm just sort of blindly jumping in here and I have not yet read all of the literature available and lack the breadth of knowledge necessary for an at least mostly impartial opinion. So I humbly request something to correct what are sure to be very informative gaps in my understanding. I'm interested in exploring this concept a great deal more in depth so here is what I think:
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about the extent of no report unless it was beneficial or relying solely on collaboration. This was referenced a couple of time in the links above. While I agree that it is necessary - and educational in it's own right, as well as fun - to collaborate. In what I understand is that at least in some implementations of the Agile method no reporting means even or insufficient progress. Or am I missing something?
My undergraduate degree is in physics and I aim to finish my PhD after getting a foundation with my education degree, I should finish that completely online in 2012. Everything I've learned so far tells me that unless you,are working in purely theoretical terms or have some other reason you want all the data so that a fuller statistical picture can be made and more accurate models produced. If there is no data representing the negative trends the only model with any empirical support is one that only improves. It can be interesting in a mathematical respect, and it is for people like me, but not real useful in a practical sense.
An interesting use for the data (It may have already been done) that would be negatively affected by having a partial set would be to find the areas where the smallest improvement yields the largest gain. Not hard with an extensive set of data, but impossible with an impartial set. It would be a great cross disciplinary tool to draw on strengths and bolster weak areas, enhancing collaborative effort. This of course would be of an administrative or occupational enhancement tool.
Something that might benefit the students more directly is to compare the average class and individual ratings as benchmarks for their progress and achievement relative to historical averages. This could be an especially useful and informative tool for teaching subjects such as business and math.
Again, just sort of shouting out in class right now to find out if I'm looking at the right page and always eager to learn more and more. Have a fantastic day!
Patrick Maher
Studying Master's of Education at Post University
Thanks Tony for share this great resource.
ReplyDeleteWell, I have gone through the articles as you mentioned and they are really useful. I love to learn more on new new topic. Those articles has doubled my knowledge. Thanks for sharing the information with us.
ReplyDeletetoo many to try hehe. Thanks anyway.
ReplyDeleteperhaps, it may have more very informational elearning technology soon. thanks.