Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Twitter Captivate Integration

I mentioned in my post 2009 Predictions How Did I Do? that we are seeing more and more about Add-ins & Mashups as a means to build richer learning experiences.  I particularly cited a DevLearn demo of twitter being embedded inside Captivate as the basis of a social learning experience.

They’ve posted on the Adobe Captivate blog - Collaborative learning using Captivate and Twitter.  You can run a demo (18 mins) to see it in action.  The basic idea is that students will be able to have a social learning experience utilizing twitter as a messaging systems within a Captivate course.


  1. Hi Tony...I think you nailed this prediction. I wrote about Jing / Twitter integration in my blog today.

  2. great concept, however, talk about learner drop out during asynchronous training. I struggled to get through this and was desparately trying to stay focussed on 'how' this was setup

  3. I think that the whole idea of having captivate integrated with twitter is a great but also a bad idea. It is great because eLearning technology is advancing a great deal, where it can be combined with social media. It also adds another method of learning for people. I think it is a bad idea to combine it with twitter because twitter is a social media outlet where people are free to write and post what you want at your own discretion. If this integration really goes through, I think the purpose of twitter will eventually be ruined because it may just become learning based and twitter originally created for social networking.
