Monday, December 07, 2009

eLearning Templates – 20 Resources

Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts come through eLearning Learning that provide eLearning templates or toolkits or other kinds of interesting resources. Here are 20 of them:

  1. e-Learning Methodology Toolkit: templates to design and manage your e-learning projects

    1. Free downloadable storyboard templates

    2. Amazing eLearning Flash Template Bundle

    3. Storyboard Templates and Resources

    4. How to Create a Visual Design for Your E-Learning Scenario

    5. Here’s a Free PowerPoint Template & How I Made It

    6. Here’s How I Built That PowerPoint E-Learning Template

    7. Free Storyboarding templates

    8. Storyboards for eLearning

    9. Social Media in Learning: Handbook and Toolkit

    10. Easy ways to create your elearning templates

    11. Really Fast Storyboarding for e-Learning Projects

    12. Build Branched E-Learning Scenarios in Three Simple Steps

    13. Creating Flash Templates for eLearning

    14. eLearning Flash templates

    15. These PowerPoint Experts Can Make You a Star

    16. Fun Sign Generator

    17. Storyboard Templates in Instructional Designing

    18. Storyboard for Elearning ( Self Paced , WBT , CBT )

    19. Change Your Presentation Template to an E-Learning Template

    Of course the best place to find these and to continue to find them is through eLearning Learning and using the appropriate keywords such as: templates, toolkits, resources, tutorial, examples, guide, etc.

    And the list would be even better with help - see Curator Editor Research Opportunities on eLearning Learning.


    1. I thought the huge spike in traffic to my blog was a bit strange ;) Thanks for the link Tony !

    2. Wow - what an awesome eLearning Toolkit - thanks!!
