This is far from perfect, but it generally gives you a pretty good sense of what relates to what. I'll be curious what people find that are interesting associations of terms.
This approach also helps to show what terms particular bloggers talk about more often than other bloggers. Below are some of the bloggers who are participating in the community and when you click on the link, it will show you the community page with them selected. On the left side you will see the keywords sorted in order based on how often they blog about these terms as compared to the terms used by everyone (with a couple of other factors thrown in that give a better result). I've listed a few of the terms that I saw.
As you drill down it takes into account both the source and the additional terms that are selected.
Again, I'll be curious to see if people find patterns in this information.
Lars Hyland - Lars is Learning
Good to see Learning Technologies, Mobile Learning come up for Lars. Gives me an idea of who to talk to. Also interesting topics: Cognitive, Effectiveness, LCMS, Social Network, iPhone, Director.Ken Allan - Blogger in Middle-earth
Ken talks about everything including some that come up for me Writing a Blog, Analytics, Communities of Practice, Photoshop, Pipes, Firefox, RSS.Mel Aclaro - Business Casual
Mel has a lot of interesting topics, but clearly a lot around social topics (Social Media, Social Networks, LinkedIn, Twitter, RSS, Social Network, Facebook), but keep him in mind for Streaming, Privacy, and Internationalization.David Fair - Learning Journeys
Talk to him about graphics (PNG, JPG) and staying organized (Tagging, Information Overload).Joe Deegan - Blender - Training Solutions
Freeware, ILT, SWF, ROI, Wondershare, PowerCONVERTER, Adobe Captivate, Photoshop, SharePoint (SharePoint Examples - Joe, can you help me?)Other Sources - you can click and see what they write about on the left.
- Adventures in Corporate Education
- Breakthrough eLearning
- Clive on Learning
- Corporate eLearning Strategies and Development
- Courseware Development
- Discovery Through eLearning
- e-Clippings (blogoehlert)
- eContent
- eLearning Acupuncture
- eLearning Community 2.0
- eLearning Development News
- eLearning Technology
- eLearning Weekly
- elearnspace
- Engaged Learning
- eQuixotic
- Experiencing eLearning
- Ignatia Webs
- In the Middle of the Curve
- Internet Time
- Jane Knight
- Janet Clarey
- Kapp Notes
- Learning and Technology
- Learning and Working on the Web
- Learning Circuits
- Learning Design and Performance Improvement
- Learning Matters!
- Learning Next
- Learning Visions
- Learnlets
- Mobile Learning
- The Learning Circuits Blog
- Will at Work Learning
- Work 2.0 Blog
Kia ora Tony
ReplyDeleteEverything? I haven't got round to talking about 100 Conversation Topics yet.
I'm still thinking about it :-)
Catchya later
from Middle-earth
Well maybe not everything Ken - but lots of diverse interesting topics.