Monday, September 29, 2008

LinkedIn for Finding Expertise

As part of the Web 2.0 for Learning Professionals, I've created a couple of screen casts showing very quickly how I use LinkedIn to find expertise. This is my first time using Jing. Let me know what you think.

FYI - the Jing object does not appear in the RSS feed.

Whoops, I clicked too fast on publish - I will try to get additional screen casts posted soon.

By the way, I'm still looking for a free tool that will let me do this with someone else online at the same time. In other words, record my walk-through and conversation. Prefer it produces Flash Video Format.


  1. What about recording Elluminate with application sharing on and then convert to the format you require?

  2. Sue - record is not available in the free version.

  3. Only one suggestion: I can't access LinkedIn with Firefox. When I e-mailed firefox, they suggested that I use IE as there are some problems with Firefox interactivity. I am finding the same problem with the updated facebook also.

    So I use Firefox with everything but linkedIn and facebook.

  4. You can't tell from the movie, but I use it with Firefox 2 all the time, including for this screen cast.

  5. Actually, the problem started with Firefox 2. I was hoping it would be resolved with firefox 3, but I still can't log in using firefox.

    I was told by the LinkedIn support staff that it is a common problem they are working on.

  6. Since this problem started I have never used that feature again. I always use Firefox.

  7. i am having problems with using firefox as well, anyone know anything about the current status of linked in and firefox?

  8. Hello Tony,

    Thanks for your post.
