Quite a few of the speakers are straight out of my blog roll, so I'm looking forward to seeing them.
- Clive on Learning
- Learnlets
- Will at Work Learning
- SCORM Watch
- eLearning Weekly
- Michelle Lentz
- Mark Chrisman
- Lance Dublin - an honorary blogger
Or maybe we can get Michelle Lentz to figure out a place for wine?
One thing that they've kept from last year are the breakfast bytes. These were informal opportunities to discuss topics. I attended one with Will at Work Learning and it was quite an interesting discussion. Almost a beer and bloggers type discussion, but with coffee and a bit more structure.
Looking forward to seeing folks at DevLearn. Oh, by the way, I'm doing two sessions:
So, drop me a note if you are going.
I will be presenting at DevLearn as well. I was at the Boston Beer Bloggers meet up and had a great time. At the last Annual Gathering, we had a STOUT Learning get together. STOUT stands for “Sharing Tips On Using Technology”…credit @jsspyder (Jill) for the name. Brent, BJ and others were in attendance.
ReplyDeleteMark - my bad - didn't catch your name on my quick scan. Looking forward to seeing you again.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick impression of this conference (as it is really too far away for me to attend). One thing I have noticed in my dissertation work and blog reading is that there does not seem to be a real gender divide in e-learning. It has never struck me that there are more men or women involved in e-learning (although I was noticeably in the minority when I worked in business and noticeably in the majority in education).
ReplyDeleteHowever, There are only 3 women highlighted, none of them plenary. Does this strike anyone else as odd? It does look like an interesting program just the same.
Virginia - my guess is that like blogging, speaking has a tendency to skew male even in a world where women are likely the majority (training, corporate learning). That said, from a cursory look at the program, yes the three keynotes are men, but the rest of the program looks to be maybe 65/35 men to women.
ReplyDeleteMy suspicion is that Heidi Fisk - the eLearningGuild's master of content who has been around the industry forever - really looks at gender of the speakers. She always seems to be very focused on great quality content from whomever offers it up.
DevLearn 2008 Beer 2.0 needs Twitter to facilitate meeting for this worthy endeavor!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Web 2.0, I will be there talking about using machinima as a tool to enrich standard elearning content. An inexpensive video source if you may.
For those that can not attend the conference, I will have a sim set aside for eLearning Guild members to use as a sandbox.
Look forward to seeing you at DevLearn 2008!