Tuesday, November 06, 2007

DevLearn - Ken Robinson Keynote

Notes from Sir Ken Robinson's keynote talk at DevLearn...

I've seen Ken on his Ted talk which I've embedded below:

His talk was quite entertaining and followed somewhat his talk from Ted. A few of the thoughts or points from his talk:
  • $3.5B spent in California on state school system - $9B spent on prison system
  • Creativity can be facilitated and supported to foster innovation
  • Audience rated themselves average roughly of 7 in creativity and 7 in intelligence
  • 73% give themselves different marks - tend to believe that there is a difference between creativity and intelligence
  • Creativity and intelligence are intimately related - highest form of intellectual exercise is creativity
  • Capacity to think of lots of ideas - divergent thinking
  • Genius level among 3 - 5 year olds in divergent thinking - 98%
  • At ages 8-10 - 32%
  • 13-15 - 10%
  • 25+ - 2%
  • Education teaches you that there is one answer, its in the back, don't look, and don't talk to anyone else either
  • We encourage collaboration outside the classroom
  • Misconception about creativity - I'm not creative. If someone says "I'm not creative" it doesn't mean they are not capable of becoming creative.
  • Can be creative about anything - not just arts - including things like math, etc.
  • Technology fundamentally changes learning
  • Creativity is the way to compete in a flat world (my words not his)
  • Creativity is a practical process
  • Intelligence is tremendously diverse, intensely dynamic, connections between domains, distinct
  • Real question is not how intelligent your are but how you are intelligent
  • And not how creative you are but how you are creative
  • How do you compose great groups in organizations that can be intelligent and creative
  • How do you promote culture that will be creative
  • Think of yourself as a farmer - you can't make a plant - you must create the conditions where plants (people) will flourish
I need to look at Divergent Thinking and how you can build skills around creativity.


  1. "Think of yourself as a farmer - you can't make a plant - you must create the conditions where plants (people) will flourish" This is how I approach my learning design, but I keep hearing how people can't be bothered with all that - they just want me to give them the answer. I guess that's the result of a lifetime of "there is one answer, its in the back, don't look, and don't talk to anyone else either." The learning resource is seen as "the back" and they're looking, so where's the flipping answer?

    I first encountered Ken Robinson on TED talks. At the end of the video clip of that talk, I found myself wanting to shout from the rooftops "So what are we [insert expletive of choice] going to DO about it?"

  2. I came to the same feeling that Karen expressed, "what is the solution" or "what can I do to foster creativity instead of educating it out of people?" So now what, we buy the book?

  3. Ryan - fair comment, but at least he's pointing us in a general direction. Also, I believe you misinterpreted Karyn's comment.

  4. Ah, that's what I get for scanning. I even managed to misspell Karyn's name.

    My question about whether to buy Ken's book wasn't intended to be cynical. I enjoyed his lecture, but since I noticed some mixed reader reviews on his book, I was curious if anyone from the eLearning space would recommend it.

  5. i actualy have read his book (need to do it before i book a keynote)... the book is getting a little dated... but many of the concepts are still valid ...also most comments are based on uk school system...but applies to many western school systems. it has a good overview of how schools got to where they are...it focuses more on teh K-12 and university rather than Corporate (adult) learning. it is a fast read...

    i am really looking forward to his new book that will be out in January 09...
