Sunday, October 07, 2007

Free Online Conference - Corporate Learning: Trends and Innovations

I'm helping George Siemens to organize a free, online conference - Corporate Learning: Trends and Innovations, Nov. 15 - 20, 2007. The conference will be held fully online (with live presentations and asynchronous discussions). There's an exceptional group of speakers/discussion leaders including:
  • David Snowden
  • Jay Cross
  • Rebecca Stromeyer
  • Richard Straub
  • Clark Quinn
  • Donald H. Taylor
  • Janet Clarey
  • David Wilson
  • Bill Bruck
  • George Siemens, and
  • Tony Karrer :)
Conference details are still coming together. Stay tuned to the Wiki for details and go to the registration page to register and sign up for the newsletter to get updates.

In fact, part of the fun of the conference is that it will be a blend of a traditional conference with notable speakers, an unconference with discussion sessions based purely on the interests and questions of attendees, online discussion, etc. We've tried to take into account some of the main ideas from better conferences. What's interesting is that many of the ideas are easier to implement for an online conference.

The conference is free, registration is required.

Duke Corporate Education and TechEmpower (my company) are sponsoring and assisting in organizing the event.

It's an exciting opportunity to discuss current trends and innovations in corporate training environments around the world...

If you have thoughts or ideas on what would make this a great event, please provide ideas.


  1. Right. That's me signed up!

  2. Wait... seriously? A free conference? With these speakers? I'm so in.

    If I can pull it off, the rest of my team is in too.

  3. Outstanding! I've been begging for these types of events for years and haven't seen them put on in a good way. If there's anything I can do to help - I'm game. There's a market for this!!!

  4. There is a To Do page with items that need to get done.

  5. Great project, I have registered and added my profile. Now I need to figure out when it is happening, I am in time zone GMT+1. Great speaker list :-)

  6. Times on the site are Central Standard time, but that needs to be more clear.
