Friday, September 07, 2007

25 Interactions for eLearning - Free eBook

BJ Schone has published a nice little eBook and has an associated blog that provides some interactions that can be used in eLearning that will make the learning more fun and engaging. Some of the interactions he talks about are:
  • Scatter steps
  • Order of importance
  • Find the mismatch
  • Story-based questions
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Branching stories
I was planning to also point folks to other lists of these kinds of interactions (which I believe are out there), but for some reason I couldn't easily find them. Would love some pointers to other such lists to provide here.

In the meantime, a couple of ideas for where you can find other similar kinds of descriptions of eLearning interactions:
  • Look at Articulate product - tabbed interaction, process, timeline, pyramid diagram, labeled graphic, interactive FAQ, media tour, circle diagram, guided image, FAQ and more.
  • Similarly you can look at Adobe's various products to get ideas - look at Dreamweaver + Coursebuilder and Captivate especially.
  • Raptivity's list of interaction types.
If you know of a list of eLearning interaction types (or articles on it) - please drop a comment.


  1. Dear Tony,

    Thanks for sharing with us this engaging free ebook. I have made my comments in my blog:

    It also includes two books with a combined 176 learning activities (surely some are the same though) that you might want to explore :)

    Warm Regards,


  2. Thanks for sharing these interactions with us. One other resource to look at is Instructional Spice. It has 40 free flash activities and some (more advanced) activities and games that are by subscription. It's a nice addition to your toolbelt.

  3. Great article! Another excellent tool for engaging interactions is DIY eLearning. You can quickly customize interactions by simply filling out text fields and inserting into your authoring tool, no technical knowledge needed. DIY eLearning has an excellent variety of interactions and you only purchase the interactions you want. Hope this helps! -
