Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Personal Learning - Mistakes that Can Hurt

Found via Jack Vinson - 9 Mistakes That Can Kill Your Personal Growth - definitely worth a read. But I read it with the context of Personal Learning. The 9 mistakes are:
  1. Thinking you already know everything
  2. Being confused by the marketing hype
  3. Not taking action
  4. Giving up
  5. Worrying about/listening to what others think
  6. Dabbling with it
  7. Having unreasonable expectations
  8. Failing to/not wanting to (at least start to) understand yourself
  9. Not taking responsibility for yourself
The one that really jumped out the most for me was:
3. Not taking action – Thinking that reading a book or blog will automatically transform you and your life. But knowledge without action on your part is not that very transforming. And only you can change yourself. Others can only give a bit of advice, support and motivation. But in the end, you have to take the steps in real life.
This is exactly why folks will say that they learn tremendously more via blogging than from simple scanning. Take a look back at: Top Ten Reasons to Blog.