Wednesday, February 07, 2007

K-12 Blogging, Wiki and Social Bookmarking Resources

Someone who attended my session asked about free resources to use in K-12 settings. I'm really not familiar with this space. Can anyone point her in the right direction?


  1. I would refer her to Will Richardson'd book Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. It's available through He also has a blog:

  2. I think my previous comment attempt had too many links in it and was flagged as spam. I'm trying again without links this time.

    I definitely second the reference to Will Richardson's book and blog. Check David Warlick as well, since he has lots of great resources. Both Warlick's 2 cents worth blog and the Landmark Project are good places to start.

    For blogs, try edublogs, learnerblogs, elgg, or classblogmeister.

    For wikis, wikispaces is the one I am familiar with.

    For social networking for younger kids, try Club Penguin. I can't think of any specific social bookmarking tools for K-12 though.

  3. We have just released, a social bookmarking service for K-12 learners and educators. This may be what you're looking for.
