Tuesday, January 16, 2007

ASTD TechKnowledge - If you are going please read and respond.

I will be at ASTD TechKnowledge in a couple of weeks in Las Vegas. If you will be attending (and are reading this blog entry), then a couple of things:
  1. It would be interesting to me and likely to other readers of this blog to see who is attending who also reads this blog (and presumably others). Please drop a comment if you are going.

  2. On the 31st or 1st we will be having a dinner with some interesting folks to ramble on about topics that are discussed in this blog. If you are interested in going, include that in your comment.

  3. My sessions are on “Personal and Collaborative Learning Using Blogs and Social Bookmarking” – one is an introduction, the other two are hands-on. It would be nice to know if any readers of this blog are planning to attend.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Tony:

    I will be walking through the Expo for a couple hours. We are not attending the conference, but have planned ahead to attend the Expo fro strategic learning purposes only. We are fairly new to the e-learning business, as we began as an exam services firm, but have recently expanded into online training. We will hopefully bump into you when we do our Expo tour (Thursday).

    Chris LaBossiere
    www.ProTraining.com (company)
    www.RichFullLife.ca (blog)

  3. Hi, Tony; I'll be there and I'm looking forward to meeting you and many others who I only know through their blogs. Arriving late Tuesday night and staying at the conference hotel.

  4. Tony, I'll be at TechKnowledge (encourage it, BTW) I'm running my game design workshop as a pre-conf.

    I have a dinner already on the 31st, but the 1st would be great (unless someone else offers to buy my meal ;).

    Can't say whether I'll be at your sessions, since I haven't planned that far ahead! I do know you give good session...
