Tuesday, December 05, 2006

High Praise from Nancy White

One of the real learning experiences about blogging is realizing that I don't have a clue about what people will find interesting or when they'll leave comments. One of the posts that I thought would have generated some interest was: Be an Insanely Great Professional Conference Attendee.

It didn't generate any comments and only a couple other posts that cited it ... but yesterday it got a comment from someone who I greatly respect and who really knows a lot more about the topic area (community) than I do - Nancy White. She said:

Great post. You got me thinking about why I tend to shortchange myself in table introductions because I find a lot of what people say is, well, too
disconnected. I can change that pattern by asking a good question.


Yes, I'm bragging and I'm trying to draw people into an old post for any thoughts, discussion. But, I still thought this may have value.


  1. Heh, and some of us take a while to catch up on back logs of blog reading!!

    Time is funny. When I post on my blog today, that blog post is "today" for me. Yet people search and find month's old blog posts, find value and comment. So "yesterday" becomes "today" again.

    We really can experience time differently online.

    Now, to find time for the Big Question of December! LOL

  2. Hey! I was right there with you on the original post - plus I found a couple other like minded souls!

  3. Jennifer, thanks for dropping in with the comment and the blog post.

    It still surprises me that this isn't a bigger topic of discussion.

    We all spend all that time and money going to the conference and then I think we are pretty bad at getting value out of it - we like to be entertained rather than be engaged.
