Thursday, November 09, 2006

Use of iPods and other Mobile Learning

Not sure if this came from the same person, but I saw a question posted on TrDev and was sent to me via Yahoo 360 that covered the same basic topic: How are iPods and PDAs being used in corporate learning applications?

The unfortunate answer is that it's doubtful that any numeric answer exists for this, but there are lots of examples out there. Some places I would suggest you look to get a sense of what's going on:
Search under "mobile learning" and you'll find a ton of stuff.

If anyone knows a source that will give us an idea of "how much this is happening" - that would be great.

1 comment:

  1. Tbny

    The eLearning Guild's new research system has information on this. As part of the member profile we ask whta type of learning modalities members are using and how much they are using them.... this is for everything from traditional calssroom to the newest technologies. The System is still in its beta so access is open to all members ...even the free Associate level... all you have to do is fill out a profile to get at the data. Also, during the beta, not only can everyone see the general data, you can drill down by industry, company size, number of users, etc...

    Heidi F.
