Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Surveys in eLearning

Through two recent experiences I've come to realize that many people in eLearning are not using Survey tools nearly as much as I would have thought.

For my recent Collaborative Learning eLearning 2.0 Class, I used a SurveyMonkey survey to ask the class members about their background, interests and availability. You can see the survey results on the Course Wiki.

SurveyMonkey is very easy to use. It's free up to a limit. It will even help send the surveys, track who's taken them and nag people who have not completed the survey.

And, of course, there are lots of other tools out there that are equally easy to use and equally free. I've used Zoomerang before and it's great as well.

So, why am I hearing that most people aren't aware of these tools or aren't using them for pre & post course surveys?

Keywords: eLearning Resources

1 comment:

  1. Check this article out - about nonprofits using these tools
