Monday, October 23, 2017

Learning Management Systems (LMS) - Never Ending Conversation

Two articles are trending right next to each other on eLearning Learning this week:

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Over the past few years, I've been involved in many LMS Selection Processes.  It's good to see articles that are focusing more on getting more out of their LMS without switching to a different provider. Of course, there's still a lot about every LMS that leaves users uninspired, or even frustrated.

That leaves us with all sorts of conflicting advice around the LMS.  Craig Weiss in State of the eLearning Industry 2017 talks about rapid growth and expanding capabilities.  Meanwhile Ben Betts says what a lot of us feel: No Business Should Want a Learning Management System.

Clearly, the need to deliver and track eLearning is not going away.  Frankly, I'm squarely in Craig's camp.  The LMS is not going anywhere.  Learn to get more out of it.  And hopefully the tools will grow to include greater value without frustrating users.

If you are interested in the latest thinking and trends on Learning Management Systems, you should take a couple minutes to sign up on eLearning Learning and then personalize your subscription with LMS as a topic.  You'll get great articles from hundreds of sources (like the ones above) delivered to your inbox.

Monday, October 16, 2017

2017 eLearning Learning MVP Awards - Call for Nominations

The 2017 eLearning Learning MVP Awards have just put out their call for nominations.   These awards will recognize the Most Valuable Posts (MVP) as judged by readers and the well respect judges.  You can find details on nominations by visiting the page.

It's personally gratifying to see this happening.  While I've not been active blogging (is this really my first post since 2015?), the community of bloggers continues to thrive and anything that highlights the amazing content produced by the diverse blogging community is great. 

I also am excited that this awards is focused on top individual posts in different categories.  So instead of the usual top blogs getting the awards, I believe a more diverse set of blogs will be recognized.

And since I'm writing my first post here in so long and it's about blogging and the blogging community, it's a bit funny to look back at old posts like: Blogging to Peak in 2007?  Clearly that was not true.  Of course, neither was LCB's Big Question - Should All Learning Professionals be Blogging?  Although many bloggers will tell you it's one of the top personal learning tools.

Hopefully, I'll take my own advice and get back into it.